A Christmas truce on the social media front

peace dayIntermedia, Rome, a partner of MercatorNet, has come up with a great Christmas idea -- to make December 25 a day on which everyone can enjoy the social media online without running into any kind of violence.
Read the following manifesto and become a fan of Peace Day Online on FaceBook: Why I like and support Peace Day Online

  • Because December 25th, 2011 is an opportunity to transform - all together - the online culture of war and violence into a culture of peace and non-violence. (See below Why december 25?)
  • Because I am aware of my share of responsibility for the future of safety in social media, in particular for the children of today and tomorrow.
  • Because I want to promote a culture of peace through social media and use social media as a tool to educate, share and enjoy freely and safely.
  • Because I want to live a responsible and peaceful use of social media.
  • Why December 25, 2011?
    • Because 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the United Nations program "The International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World (2001)"
    • Because on December 25, 1914, during the First World War, British and German troops decided to celebrate Christmas Day with a truce in time of war, holding a day of non-violence. (Christmas Truce)
    We expect: 
    1. Less violent content on YouTube and other platforms of file sharing
    2. Less violent videogames and movies
    3. More responsible decisions of media companies 
    In consequence, I pledge in my daily digital life to:
    1. Share my time and material resources in a spirit of generosity, promoting and supporting good causes.
    2. Respect the opinion of others without discrimination or prejudice, giving preference to dialogue and listening.
    3. Avoid sharing and promoting contents that cause gender violence (like child pornography or pedophilia). 
    4. Practise active non-violence, rejecting violence in all its forms: physical, sexual, psychological, cultural, economical and social, in particular towards the most deprived and vulnerable people such as children and teenagers.
    5. Promote a responsible digital citizenship, encouraging to media companies (like game publishers and advertisers) to reduce the violent contents in their products.
    Join us!


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