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'A kindergarten class dies every week'
That’s what Dr. Allen Unruh told me in a phone conversation about what’s happening in South Dakota since the news media went away last year.
In fact, not much media even covered the story of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling last June to uphold the South Dakota “informed consent” law. It’s the most thorough and advanced law in the country, requiring an abortionist to inform a woman that (being pregnant) she is carrying an already-existing, complete, separate and unique human being, and that abortion may cause harmful psychological effects, among other disclosures. Planned Parenthood, which fought the “informed consent” law in court time and again, contended that’s an ideological statement. The full 8th Circuit found that the disclosure is biological fact.
That ruling required the informed consent law to be applied and obeyed immediately. Here’s how Planned Parenthood reacted at the time. One year ago.
Monday was the first day that Planned Parenthood, which operates the only abortion business in South Dakota, had to comply with a new state law telling women the truth about abortion. Rather than tell women abortion kills children and has numerous risks, Planned Parenthood closed its doors.That didn’t last long, because they’ve been in business just about ever since, it turns out. They are disobeying the law and continuing the abortion business as before. “A kindergarten class dies every week in Sioux Falls”, roughly the number of babies aborted in the Planned Parenthood clinic there, says Unruh. “They have willfully and wantonly defied the law, and there have been zero consequences.”
Unruh says he called South Dakota Attorney General Larry Long, who ran as a pro-life candidate for that office, and asked long why the clinic wasn’t shut down after defying the 8th Circuit Court ruling. “He said he didn’t know why,” Unruh claims, and that’s pretty astonishing for the state’s attorney general. “They arrest pro-life people if they even walk onto Planned Parenthood property for sidewalk counseling,” Unruh said. “But there are no consequences for Planned Parenthood ignoring this law. We can’t ignore laws. If went out and shot a hen pheasant I’d get slapped with a $200 fine. This law is non-negotiable.” Planned Parenthood is defiant. Unruh says the head of the South Dakota Department of Health is an abortion advocate who has met with Planned Parenthood to work out some suitable language they can live with. What irony.

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