An act of dishonesty

And that’s only the beginning of what’s wrong with the “Freedom of
Choice Act” that Sen. Barack Obama promises to sign into law as soon as
he takes office as president.

There’s no freedom for health care givers in it, no freedom for
lawmakers to enforce law on the books now that would be wiped out by
it, and no freedom for some women and unborn children caught in its
sweeping facilitation of easy abortion. There’s also no choice for
health care givers and medical providers who are morally or ethically
opposed to abortion on demand, nor for states that now have the right
to pass their own laws requiring informed consent or parental
notification or health standards for abortion providers.

It’s a raw act of power disguised as enshrining a right. A right, by the way, that wasn’t in
the Constitution but devised by a Supreme Court Justice (see post

The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) is legislation Obama
has co-sponsored along with 18 other senators that would annihilate
every single state law limiting or regulating abortion, including the
federal ban on partial birth abortion.

The 2007 version of FOCA proposed: “It is the policy of the United
States that every woman has the fundamental right to choose to bear a
child, to terminate a pregnancy prior to fetal viability, or to
terminate a pregnancy after fetal viability when necessary to protect
the life or health of the woman.”

Obama made his remarks in a question-and-answer session after
delivering a speech crystallizing for abortion advocates his
deep-seated abortion philosophy and his belief that federal legislation
will break pro-life resistance and end the national debate on abortion.

And where does John McCain stand on this?

After a meeting with Catholic leaders in Philadelphia
last week, Sen. John McCain’s pro-life credentials are being questioned
some pro-lifers who wonder if he would veto the Freedom of Choice Act,
which if passed, would invalidate many of the laws that regulate
abortion. Leaders who were present at the meeting informed CNA that
they believe McCain would undoubtedly veto the bill…

Deal Hudson, one of the leaders present at the meeting, informed CNA
that when it came to McCain vetoing FOCA, “Nobody asked him that
question. My view is that, of course, he would veto it.”

Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life agreed with Hudson, saying, “I have no doubt that he would veto it.”

“Moreover, it’s so extreme, I really don’t think it would ever reach
his desk, even if the Democrats increased their numbers in Congress,”
Fr. Pavone said.

But here’s a key distinction. This implies that as a bill (which
existed in the House as H.R. 1964 and the Senate as S. 1173) this
legislation would move on to the president.

Whereas Sen. Obama has promised that his first act would be to make
it law. The question dangling out there (under the radar of mainstream
media and most of the public) is whether Obama would do that by
executive order, or through his party’s control of Congress as
congressional legislation.

It’s a question that voters - of all beliefs - need to know. Let the
candidates be clear on where they stand, and the votes fall where they
may as a result.


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