Be revolutionary and support MercatorNet

It is with great delight that I inform you of the significant work your support has made possible in recent months.

You may recall that I asked readers to help improve the website’s experience on tablets and mobiles in our last major appeal.

Well, thanks to the generous support of many of our subscribers, we were able to temporarily employ a software engineer to upgrade the website, improve the reader interface, and keep MercatorNet competitive and relevant.

However, there is still much work that needs to be done to continue improving MercatorNet’s editorial content and appearance

Our mission is to preserve the notion of truth, to nourish minds, and to form people and families intellectually, guiding them to a fulfilling life.

With “fake news” spreading like wildfire on the internet, truth is sometimes lost amidst digital smoke and mirrors.

That famous question, “what is truth?” asked by Pontius Pilate is as relevant as ever. Please help MercatorNet defend the truth by making a donation today.

Your support will help us find writers committed to disseminating the truths that a healthy and civilised culture needs.

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Please give generously and promote truth in our culture today.

Editor, MercatorNet


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