Be your own beauty editor one sample at a time

In the last year at least two start-up companies have decided women need to try all their beauty options but at a discount. Because ladies, let’s be honest – how many times do you grab something from a store just to try. You put down the money not even sure if the color will flatter you or if it will work with your skin type and complexion. And when it doesn’t you have half-used bottle sitting around the house that you feel the need to keep because you bought them, but you don’t use. And if you are lucky, you might hit upon something that actually works for you and you’re a lifer.

Well Birchbox and GoGoGirlfriend have decided we need more samples to try and we shouldn’t have to be paying high prices to try something out. They set up a membership program that allows women to pay a single monthly fee and then receive a box of product samples in the mail. The samples vary from month to month and are from a wide variety of companies.


GoGoGirlfriends sent me a sample box to try out and I have to say I was pretty excited to tray a number of things. There was a great pink nail polish color and a great smelling face wash. Oh and a sample of a new Prada perfume. At the same time there were little pcks of things I’ve never in a million years used or would use – like a high-end gummy vitamin for women.

The concept is what intrigues me the most. It’s turning each woman into her own beauty editor. Now, it’s no longer the magazine’s elite few trying everything out there and giving you their opinions on some expensive ‘miracle’ cream. You get to try it and you get to decide if it is worthwhile and only for a small monthly fee.



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