Clothed Much: a modest fashion blog

If you are anything like me, you sift through fashion blog after fashion blog. To me, all of them have something to draw inspiration from. One blogger may have the unique ability to pair things that normally aren’t matched together. Another may have the most creative use of accessories.

The only dilemma I find is that many of them tend to have more flesh exposed than I would like to see. Coming across a modest but still completely fashion forward blog is literally like looking for a needle in a haystack. (I secretly had a theory that they didn’t exist because no one was interested in portraying this more conservative side of things. But, thankfully, I was wrong!)

Well, meet Clothed Much, a modest and totally with-it fashion blog. Clothed Much is written by Elaine, a Mormon living in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her blog reviews the modest options at fashion events around the world and features her personal style. (picture is her blog's banner)

And the best part? She’s got more than 1,240 people who follow her blog, reading her daily posts. Elaine has only been blogging since April 2009. Her reach in the fashion blogging community is extensive, especially in such a short amount of time. It's so encouraging to see the reach her blog has and that someone with such a determined and pointed view of modesty could still be a voice in the fashion world.

I love to see these blogs do well. Check out her blog and leave comment if you like what she’s doing. (For bloggers there is nothing better than an encouraging comment.)



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