Contributing to Charlie Sheen’s success

I think every rational human should be able to look at Charlie Sheen’s actions over the last month and admit that he is an out of control train wreck. His wild tangents, the multiple women he keeps around for his pleasure, the threats he has made to the mother of his children, his crazy antics on his personal web show… the list goes on and on. But what I don’t get is why we are feeding into his insanity, telling him through our little actions that it is ok for him to continue acting like this.

We contribute in a number of different ways. For instance, there are the views his web show gets. Even just tuning in to see how psychotic he is, tells him to keep it up. The crazier he acts the move his views go up, which means the more money he will make from advertisers, etc…


Or what about the little ‘Torpedo’ tour he has planned to some comedy clubs. He opted to start small, announcing a show in one city. It sold out almost immediately. To meet the demand, he announced additional shows taking his tour on the road. And each place sees sales soar. We are paying to listen to his antics and further supporting this behavior, instead of helping him find the help he needs.


And don’t even get me started on his Twitter account. He’s only been on Twitter a couple weeks. In total he has sent out less than 200 tweets and yet he has nearly 3.4 million followers. He made the record books when he joined Twitter, being the first person ever to reach 1 million followers in less than a week’s time.

I understand a big part of what drives this is the same thing that creates gaper delays on highways. Everyone wants to see the accident, everyone wants a little piece of the action. So we tune in and listen up to the train wreck we see unfolding before our eyes. But it is the things like this that just reinforce his behavior. He has no filter and nothing that even encourages him to create one, because the people will tune in no matter what ridiculous things he spews from his mouth.

Yup, that’s Winning alright.



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