Getting ready for the inevitable?

That’s what some political analysts said about Hillary Clinton after watching the debate last night with Barack Obama.

The word “valedictory” started bubbling up all over the press.

After losing 11 straight contests to Obama in a race now
clearly breaking his way, the former first lady chose the high road and
even delivered what sounded to many like the dress rehearsal for a
campaign valedictory address.

Her remarks were “almost a quasi-concession speech,” said Texas state Rep. Rafael Anchia, who backs Obama.

Clinton doubtless didn’t intend her words to be taken that way.

In a round of television appearances Friday morning, Clinton said
her remarks were intended as “a recognition that both of us are on the
brink of historic change.

At the end of the debate, CNN’s John King talked about the
atmosphere there being so filled with admiration for both candidates,
you could tell what the crowd would love to see most would be the two
of them on the same ticket.

Mr. King seemed to favor the idea, too, but he didn’t say in which order.


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