How will this play in Malta?

Professor Douglas Kmiec made a cottage industry of arguing ‘how
a pro-life Catholic can support a pro-abortion candidate’ in the 2008
presidential campaign. He caused no small eruption of heated debate by
throwing his support, very publicly, behind the most pro-abortion
politician who ran for high office, Barack Obama. And taking every
forum available to argue the convoluted vision of morality behind that
choice. When Obama won the election, even bishops suggested Kmiec at
least use whatever influence he had with the president to encourage
policies that advance human rights for all human beings.

Then they were speculating - at least in Catholic media - that Kmiec
was hoping for the Vatican ambassadorship, though he kept getting
passed over by each successive name floated by the White House. The
latest, Miguel Diaz, will likely be confirmed, and there goes that

But alas, Kmiec gets a plum job after all. Confirmation here is a certainty. Reception there is…..another story.


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