Is Obama healthcare law constitutional?

Shouldn’t that have been determined before it was passed?
Though one recalls former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying they had to pass the bill to know what was in the bill. Which was too gigantic for anyone in Congress to have actually read in the short time given before the final vote after rancorous battle and arm-twisting in congressional meeting rooms.
Putting aside for the moment other issues of contention with ‘Obamacare’ as it passed and continues to unfold, the main challenge is a basic one.

Is President Obama’s health-care overhaul constitutional or not?

It’s a question we’ve been asking here on this blog for a long time — and well before the law was passed in March of 2010. At last, some resolution is on its way.
All the top legal experts have been asking and working and preparing for this all along.

The Supreme Court of the United States today agreed to hear several ObamaCare challenges – putting the issue of the constitutionality of the flawed law front-and-center with a decision by the high court just months before the November 2012 elections.

This is the day we have been waiting for. It was clear that ObamaCare would ultimately be decided by the high court when it was signed into law nearly 20 months ago. By taking these cases, the high court can bring clarity and end the confusion about a law that most Americans have consistently opposed. We have argued from the beginning that ObamaCare – including the individual mandate – is unconstitutional.
That always seemed like the clearest question to answer on this convoluted package of plans and rules.

Here’s what’s clear – most Americans oppose the health care law. They have since it was passed more than a year-and-a-half ago. Now that the pro-abortion, government-run law is before the Supreme Court, we want to hear from you. It’s now more important than ever for you to voice your opposition to this flawed health care law.
ACLJ gives citizens the opportunity on that site to add their name to the amicus brief the law center is filing with the Supreme Court, along with over a hundred members of Congress.
CNN Senior Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin stated the obvious when he said this case has huge political implications.

“But I think it’s likely to be a close question in the Supreme Court, and it is certainly the most important case that the court has had since Bush v. Gore 11 years ago,” Toobin said.
And ‘No drama-Obama’ is now another catchy campaign slogan that seems like a distant memory.


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