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Is Twitter just a convenience? Or clickbait for harassment?
You’d wonder when you see some of the headlines.
Twitter is a good way to let people know what is happening. Whether this is your grandad’s 100th or your country’s 200th, your latest column or a record-breaking hailstone, Twitter is a good way to let people know — if you can say it in 140 characters or less, preferably with links.
That said, recent events suggest we should exercise care in what we tweet:
A New York City DA subpoena’d Twitter over a parody Twitter account Then there is the lawsuit over a spoof Twitter account satirizing the mayor of a mid-Western American town. Tweet?
Twitter-based lawsuits happen to more people than we might expect. Tweet tweet.
Turkey shut down Twitter earlier this year, due to claims about inappropriate tweets. (Some there were also mad at YouTube and Facebook ) tweettweettweettweetttweet!!
One problem is that the Internet does not always increase freedom. It can sometimes equalize it somewhere between free and unfree. As commentator Derek Hunter puts the matter,
Maybe there were a bunch of people in the pre-Internet age with hair-triggers to outrage, but licking a stamp and the speed of the U.S. Post Office didn’t allow for them to mobilize and terrorize people easily enough for it to matter.No. I grew up with the “telephone game” (intended to illustrate how wrong information multiplies).
But it wasn’t great for terrorism; we could always hear live voices of people we knew. Perhaps sometimes the Internet compels opinions and decisions about people we will never meet, rather than communication.
Here’s a story on three types of self-destructive corporate tweets. Yeah, twit happens.
Also, a history of Twitter and below, a tutorial for average people like us who find Twitter convenient for posting neutral info and are not harassing anyone (people can just choose to unfollow us with no consequences):
Denyse O’Leary is a Canadian journalist, author, and blogger.

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