Media suddenly not so interested in Palin's remarks

Because Sarah Palin’s talk was remarkably pro-life, and frankly
courageous in her admission of how she faced the reality of choice.

She was at a pro-life banquet, which according to WaPo’s stylebook like most MSM makes it an “antiabortion group” event.

Antiabortion groups reacted warmly to Alaska Gov. Sarah
Palin’s surprising admission last night that she had considered having
an abortion after learning that her son Trig would have Down syndrome.

Speaking before the Vanderburgh County Right to Life banquet in
Evansville, Ind., Palin delved deep into personal matters she has shied
away from. She avoided using the word “abortion” in her speech,
preferring to use the phrase “change the circumstances.”

Sort of like abortion activists avoid using the word “child” or “baby” and MSM avoid using the term “pro-life”?

When she learned of Trig’s diagnosis while on an
out-of-state trip, Palin said she thought, “Wow, it is easy. It could
be easy to think maybe of trying to change the circumstances. And no
one would know. No one would ever know.”

That’s quite a moment of personal epiphany, probably a profoundly
intimate struggle with her circumstances and her conscience. But she
obviously believed it was an important moment to share publicly.

Ultimately, Palin said she decided she was going to have
to “walk the walk” and remain faithful to her long-standing opposition
to abortion. But she said that the experience had helped give her an
“understanding for … why someone might believe it would be possible to
change those circumstances. Just make it all go away.”

“I had just enough faith to know that trying to change the circumstances wasn’t any answer,” she said.

Other than the sometimes clumsy and overt attempts to use politically correct language, WaPo does a good job in this piece.

Palin used her own “moment of doubt” to illustrate her
support for carrying pregnancies to term, regardless of the
circumstances. She prayed during her pregnancy for the strength and
compassion to love a baby with an extra chromosome, she said.

“The moment he was born, I knew that moment my prayers had been answered,” Palin said.

“Trig is a miracle, and he has brought amazing and surprising
happiness and great great perspective,” she said. “He is the best thing
that has ever happened to me.”


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