Men’s brains are hardwired for…fatherhood

It’s common knowledge that women are too often valued only for the way they look or the pleasure their bodies can give, which means that the recognition of other talents and abilities falls to the wayside. But we sometimes forget that men are often underestimated too - when it comes to parenting.
You see, popular culture tends to focus on that fact that men are hardwired for sex: that the only part of fatherhood they contribute to is the baby-making, and that they meet the prospect of paternity with wide-eyed gulping, sweaty-hand wringing and nervous stammering. Well don’t worry boys, because research shows that you are also hardwired for fatherhood, as reported by The Blog of The Institute for Family Studies.
The report, co-published by IAV, Center of the American Experiment, shows that fatherhood changes a man’s brain to equip him with parenting skills. Testosterone levels drop for more responsive parenting, problem-solving abilities and protective instincts are enhanced, and a growth in boldness occurs.
Another nice fact is that paternal qualities complement maternal qualities: for example, dads are more likely to engage in competitive rough-and-tumble play while mums would more likely use play to teach or let their child win – both of which are important for healthy development.
I think this information is great. We too often assume that guys think of fatherhood as just an inevitable hardship that’s somewhere down the years. Yes, it will be hard work and long hours and more selfless living, but there are many guys out there who can’t wait to accept this challenge (or already have!) and reap the beautiful parenting moments that come with it. After all, looks like being good at the job is in their DNA!


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