Swine flu "aggravated" by over-population

The link between the swine flu epidemic was sure to pop up somewhere. And so
it did, in a
press release from the Population Media Center
, another ginger group for
population control.

"The calamity of Swine Flu is unfolding in the context of unbridled,
exponential human population growth
(bold in original). It’s front and center –
and terrifying. Yet, looming catastrophes of climate instability, ecological
impoverishment and resource shortages like oil, food, and fresh water are
happening on that same population battle ground."

The theory is that to survive and prosper, diseases like cholera, TB and
smallpox need large, densely-packed human populations. In small populations, the
disease dies out too quickly for the infection to spread. One problem with this
insight is that swine flue actually isn’t that dangerous, is no more infectious
than a normal flu, and is treatable with anti-viral drugs. Densely-packed humans
are not dense, and they find ways to combat the spread of disease.


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