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Though the media haven't said much about it lately...
…the issue at the center of all others remains, for a great many
Americans, the sanctity of life. But you wouldn’t know it to hear the
mainstream media reporting lately on the presidential races.
Not that they have their finger on the pulse of the nation, as evidenced in most of the primary results so far.
So, since they’re not keeping you informed about endorsements and
positions among people for whom the right to live precedes the right
not to be discriminated against or even waterboarded (this came from a
caller on a radio show I was on…honest), here is an update on the news that Dr. James Dobson has actually endorsed a candidate.
Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, has never
issued an endorsement in a presidential primary before and this one
didn’t come until McCain and Huckabee were the only two major
candidates left standing.
He said Huckabee’s “unwavering positions on the social issues”
including “the sanctity of human life, resonate deeply with me and with
many others.”
“That is why I will support Gov. Huckabee through the remaining
primaries, and will vote for him in the general election if he should
get the nomination,” Dobson added.
…though he admitted it’s an uphill battle. Huckabee picked up another respectable endorsement, from formidable head of the Population Research Institute, Stephen Mosher.
Meanwhile, Sen. John McCain continues to gather pro-lifers into the fold.
Gary Bauer, the former Republican presidential candidate
and chairman of pro-family group America’s Values, issued an
endorsement of John McCain for president on Monday. The pro-life
advocate cited McCain’s opposition to abortion — in contrast to the
pro-abortion positions of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama — as a main
This summer’s conventions are going to be more fascinating, and seriously deliberated over, than any in recent history.

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