'Unfounded population fears'

The myth of overpopulation has been widely debunked for a while now. So did activists who based their global ‘reproductive health’ efforts shift attention to real human needs? No. They changed the language and spun it.

It’s a new messaging campaign, says C-Fam.

The pro-abortion UN Population Fund launched the 7 Billion Actions campaign this week on World Population Day with many new corporate and social media partners.

The new campaign is notable for its more optimistic tone and its dramatic shift in how the agency approaches population issues.  A major theme of the campaign is that 7 billion people present not only a challenge, but also an opportunity, particularly for “investing” in sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents. This reflects a wider movement of major population groups away from dire predictions and coercive measures towards language promoting empowerment and choice.

The Poulation Research Intitute knows all about that, in its different ramificaitons.

Overpopulation is a myth. This myth has caused human rights abuses around the world, forced population control, denied medicines to the poor, and targeted attacks on ethnic minorities and women.

So what are some of these groups at the UN up to now, the ones who claim there’s a war on women?

There’s this radical feminist agenda.

Then there’s this radical youth sexual rights aganda.

And this one on a UN agency pushing for abortion as a “human rights.”

Times like this, it feels like we’re living in an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ saga.


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