‘They’re eating the cats’: Why Trump dominated the post-debate news cycle

Fading quickly from the headlines, last week’s presidential debate was noteworthy only for its three-on-one format, in which former president Donald Trump found himself debating not just rival Kamala Harris but also two ABC News moderators.

Indeed, the only line from the entire 90-minute stoush that maintained prolonged national interest was the Donald’s, “they’re eating the dogs; they’re eating the cats” — in reference to the Haitian migrant crisis unfolding in Springfield, Ohio.

A boorish and thoroughly Trumpian spin on the issue, at the time, it seemed a uniquely forgettable remark. However, if Trump has polished one skill as a political figure, it’s the ability to voice the concerns of vast swathes of unpretentious Americans in unpretentious ways.

Within hours, memelords had flooded social media with AI art depicting the 45th President rescuing pets from impending doom. Trending on TikTok and X were mixes, remixes, cartoons and even dance moves to the tune of “They’re eating the dogs / They’re eating the cats / Eat the cat / Eat, eat the cat”.

In an effort to “pre-bunk” any Trump commentary on events in Springfield, moderator David Muir opined that ABC News had reached out to the city manager who “told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community.”

The global media blob promptly issued thousands of articles apparently refuting Trump on this and other points he raised during Tuesday’s debate. America’s prestige press made a particular effort to redirect the nation’s concerns to alleged bomb threats made against Ohio’s immigrant communities.

However, once the “news” had run its course, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine clarified that the bomb threats had turned out to be hoaxes originating from overseas.

Meanwhile, footage emerged of Springfield’s city manager Bryan Heck acknowledging as early as March of this year that he’s “heard about it too,” in reference to the abduction of local domesticated animals.

Judicial Watch was one of several organisations to obtain official records of 911 calls about missing pets from Springfield.

And it took just days for independent journalist Christopher Rufo to have “conducted an exclusive investigation that reveals that, yes, in fact, some migrants in Ohio appear to have been ‘eating the cats’” — though he acknowledged it was “not exactly in the manner that Trump described.” He explained:

Our investigation begins in a run-down neighborhood of Dayton, Ohio, the closest major city to Springfield, about a half-hours drive away. We identified a social media post, dated August 25, 2023, with a short video depicting what appear to be two skinned cats on top of a blue barbeque.

We spoke with the author of the video, who asked to remain anonymous but confirmed its time, location, and authenticity.

Days later, Rufo responded to a CBS News attempt to “fact check” his investigation, calling it “a supremely dishonest and completely partisan report,” elaborating:

What did CBS not do? Journalism. The network, which has massive resources, did not send a reporter to the scene, interview the eyewitness, interview the neighbors, investigate the visual evidence, conduct background research, or provide a detailed analysis. They simply adopted dont believe your lying eyes” as their standard and repeated an empty, evidence-free statement from a partisan political figure.

Contending for a universal negative (especially regarding a culture known to practice animal sacrifice as part of the Vodou religion) was always going to be a gamble — but it was evidently one mainstream journalists couldn’t resist in the never-ending quest to prove that orange man bad.



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And while the “fact check” approach to political journalism remains popular among the ruling class, its weakness has once again been laid bare in this latest incident — namely, an editorial focus on technicalities that fails to address the substantive concerns of the masses.

It is doubtful that the residents of Springfield — and countless flyover towns just like it — obsess over the precise fate of abducted pets and park birds.

What they care about is what these widespread reports of animal abductions represent: a clash of cultures foisted on them against their will; an influx of tens of thousands of migrants making rents unaffordable; an uptick in road accidents due to unlicensed drivers; schools overwhelmed by students who can’t speak English; strained city services ever more inaccessible to the residents that pay for them.

Zoom out, and the migrant crisis in places like Springfield are just the latest chapter in a long line of abuse from the powers that be in Washington — whether the shutting of factories and the shipping of jobs overseas, an open border that has welcomed a fentanyl crisis killing tens of thousands annually, or the sacrifice of America’s sons and daughters in endless wars.

As a final insult, any local who notices the pitfalls of resettling 20,000 Haitian migrants in a city of just 60,000 is labelled a racist.

It’s no wonder Trump’s “eating the cats” remark dominated the post-debate news cycle, and no wonder he remains competitive in the polls, despite every effort of the media.

For all his faults — and there’s no shortage of them — he’s the only one who doesn’t talk down to them, and the only lifeline they can seem to find in DC.

Just ask the pets of Springfield.

Did Trump's reference to cat-eating migrants in the debate with Kamala Harris just make him look weird? 

Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate architect, a primary school teacher, a missionary, and a young adult pastor.

Image credit: cartoon by Brian Doyle  


Showing 25 reactions

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  • mrscracker
    I don’t live in Springfield, Ohio Mr. Mouse but Ive watched a few interviews and news from there. This isn’t about wokeness or woke people. It’s about Haitians and working class Rust Belt people. And the powers that be having a tin ear.
  • David Page
    commented 2024-09-21 21:42:19 +1000
    Mrs Cracker, you are an apologist for Trump. It is difficult to conjure up up a justification for that. I’m sure you will try.
  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-09-21 20:28:35 +1000
    I’m just impressed Kurt wrote an article without using the word “woke” once. Good job, Kurt! We can let the other falsehoods slide for now ;)
  • mrscracker
    It seems as if half of us have fallen into immigration conspiracy rabbit holes and the other half suffer Trump Derangement Syndrome. Who benefits from that?
  • Peter Murphy
    commented 2024-09-21 12:14:54 +1000
    To support a person like Donald Trump, who lacks any sense of morality and uses religion to try and bolster support, is a disgrace.
    Christians should not even contemplate supporting such a person. He is opposite to everything that is in the Bible. Wake up, people!
  • Peter Murphy
    commented 2024-09-21 12:11:00 +1000
    Donald Trump just doesn’t ‘look’ weird.
    Donald Trump IS weird!
  • Peter Murphy
    commented 2024-09-21 12:09:46 +1000
    Trump just continues to tell lies. For example, he said that the audience at the debate went ‘crazy’ for him, but there was no audience!
    He said he he was corrected 9 or 11 times. He was FACT CHECKED 4 times. And why? Because he was wrong.
    He said,
    1. Crime rate in America is through the roof – it is not. It is the lowest it’s been in many years
    2. The election was stolen from him – wrong according to every measure
    3. Democrat Governors want to legalise executing babies after they are born – wrong
    4. Haitians are eating their neighbours’ dogs and cats in Springfield. I’ll leave that one up to yourselves!
  • Peter Murphy
    commented 2024-09-21 12:06:16 +1000
    Opening paragraph is MAGA BS!
  • Sue McKeown
    commented 2024-09-21 10:25:40 +1000
    My cats aren’t thrilled w/the notion that anyone would eat them! I live in a large condo complex. The condo association policies specify that all pets must be on a leash or harness or in a pet stroller. There are no unaccompanied dogs and almost never an unaccompanied cat.
  • David Page
    commented 2024-09-21 09:28:53 +1000
    Mrs Cracker, someone once said that Haiti was 90 percent Catholic and 100 percent voodoo. Haitians, like most immigrants, want to work hard and give their families a better safer life. I worked on a farm as a teenager, and I fancied that no one could outwork me. I have been taught differently by people from the Caribbean and south America. They are a boon to the economy and want nothing more than to become good and loyal hardworking Americans.
  • David Page
    commented 2024-09-21 09:21:57 +1000
    The man you all worship is, quite literally, losing his mind. What I have always thought is that he is a tabula rasa (I hope I don’t have to translate Latin on a Catholic site). He is whatever you want him to be. And no one ganged up on him during the debate. He was called on e few of his more obvious lies. What did happen is that Harris played him like a fiddle. She baited him, and he took the bait every time.
  • mrscracker
    Truthfully Voodoo & its variations have been pretty widespread in Haiti, Latin America, & parts of the Southern US for a long time but as far as I know it doesn’t involve grilling cats. Killing chickens, yes. You can buy roots, candles, & potions in US flea markets or roadside stands but that predates recent Haitian immigration.
    Most Haitians are hardworking, decent people who deserve much better than these rumors & stereotypes.
  • Julian Cheslow
    commented 2024-09-21 05:41:32 +1000
    The woman who started this whole rumor found her cat in her basement and has been apologizing to her Haitian neighbors. And blaming migrants for the actions of corporations and CEO’s is just scapegoating, especially since we have many stories of private equity cutting jobs in many industries for a better stock price. And Voodoo isn’t widely practiced, and as the son of a Haitian migrant most Haitians lean more Christian and conservative.

    Haitians are another example of a minority/an other being villanized to distract attention from those with power screwing over poor and working class people. Springfield brought in the Haitian migrants to work in factories which they did. But then Neo-Nazi’s decided to make them targets. A Springfield man was sentenced to 20 years in federal jail for hate crimes after attacking eight Haitians earlier in 2023 and last year the local Haitian church was broken into and damaged twice. And longtime Black residents have reported verbal abuse.

  • mrscracker
    The rumors are unfortunate & ridiculous but you have to admit the "Trump Cat Crusader "memes are actually pretty funny.
  • Marty Hayden
    commented 2024-09-20 22:15:46 +1000
    Another great write-up Kurt. Good on you.
  • Emberson Fedders
    commented 2024-09-20 12:57:17 +1000
    The sad thing is that the Haitian community seems to have fit into Springfield quite well. Working jobs because there aren’t enough residents.
    Now, the people are having to deal with MAGA-inspired bomb threats. Children being evacuated from schools. Businesses temporarily shutting.
    And Vance admitting he “creates stories” to get attention. And he is a senator for the town that he is lying about.
    Come on, Republicans, you must be able to do better than this.
  • mrscracker
    I’ve found in the past that Mr. Rufo’s articles have basis. Someone apparently was busted in Dayton, OH several years ago for storing cats in his freezer but he wasn’t an immigrant as far as I can see.
    Every culture has its own cuisine. Some seem odder to us than others. Perhaps felines on the grill are a real thing somewhere but I know it’s not the case in Haiti.
  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-09-20 05:48:03 +1000
    Also I am 99% sure that the video/image showed by Rufo were chickens on a grill at an awkward angle. Again – speaks to his “flood the zone” mentality and not caring about actual facts, only what he can make people believe.
  • mrscracker
    Misinformed for sure I believe, but neglected & demeaned people can be more likely to believe nonsense. That applies to all of us.
  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-09-20 04:18:17 +1000
    50% of voters in Georgia sound misinformed and are voting for a man with “concepts of a plan” which sounds typical of Trump supporters
  • mrscracker
    It’s probably the most attention Springfield, Ohio’s received in a very long time. Not the best sort of attention for sure, but perhaps someone will listen to them & the rest of the forgotten folks in flyover country now.
    I saw that approx. the same percentage of people in Georgia who believed Haitians were actually consuming pets (over 50%) are also voting for Trump. And he’s ahead in a recent GA poll. That’s pertinent also I suppose.
  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-09-20 03:49:03 +1000
    And a quote from JD Vance that I did not see included in this article.

    “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do, Dana, because you guys are completely letting Kamala Harris coast”

    Thought that was pertinent
  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-09-20 02:21:31 +1000
    Ah yes. Christopher Rufo, famous acolyte of the the “flood the zone” media strategy, where you flood the media with excrement (though they use a harsher word) so they can’t tell fact from fiction. That’s who I want to cite to back up my positions.

    Never mind the fact that the lady from the 9-1-1 call found her cat days later: https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-supporter-whose-police-report-175532969.html

    I would be more interested in an examination of the debt Haiti was forced to pay in 1825 by France and the US for daring to throw off the shackles of slavery and how that hindered any economic development for over a century. What are the lasting effects of that?
  • mrscracker
    This election season is even worse than than the usual circus we see every 4 years. Our federal law enforcement agencies appear determined to put candidates’ lives at risk by their continued ineptitude & now we’re talking about Haitians eating cats & dogs. It’s totally insane. But so is dumping 15k migrants into a Rust Belt town that was already struggling. If you want a sure way to build resentment & create ugly rumors, that’s a perfect plan.
  • Kurt Mahlburg
    published this page in The Latest 2024-09-19 22:38:51 +1000