A Walz to the White House?

When Trump picked JD Vance as his running mate, the legacy press held Vance’s feet to the fire, with hard-hitting, wall-to-wall coverage that interrogated the Ohio senator’s life story, his policy positions, his political alliances, and the ins and outs of his relationship to the 45th president.

The fourth estate did its job, in other words — helping Americans understand Trump’s heir apparent, and ensuring he was thoroughly vetted for the job.

If only the same could be said of their treatment of Kamala HarrisVP pick, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

As news broke of Walz’s inclusion on the Democratic ticket, The New York Times elucidated “5 Key Reasons That Kamala Harris Picked Tim Walz”, the first of which lauded — wait for it — Walz’s “plucky dad vibes”.

“He seems to enjoy doting on the family cat, Honey,” the paper of record observed. “Denizens of the internet, a place that is popular with cat lovers, have responded with fulsome support.”  

Somehow, unexplained, rigorous scrutiny for VP picks vanished overnight. Favours come easy for a man the media hopes will waltz straight to the White House.

At first glance, Walz is indeed a daggy Midwestern dad sporting relatively centrist political views within the Democratic fold.

His hardy rural roots and coloured backstory even bear some resemblance to those of Vance. As highlighted recently by Harris herself via an Instagram post:

[Walz’s] father died of cancer when he was 19, and his family relied on Social Security survivor benefit checks to make ends meet. At 17, he enlisted in the National Guard, serving for 24 years. He used his GI Bill benefits to go to college, and become a teacher.

Below the surface, however, Walz boasts a notable progressive track record. And it’s not just me saying so.

In slightly more incisive prose than was offered in the cat dad fluff piece, the Times pegged Walz as a progressive within America’s progressive party, though the Gray Lady’s admission was somewhat roundabout.

Walz “does relatively little to define or redefine Ms. Harris,” the Times mused Tuesday. “In particular, he doesnt help compensate for what figures to be her core weakness with swing voters: her record on the border or her history of staking out progressive positions.”

The Times added that Harris’ choice of Walz “wont assuage concerns that shes too far to the left; his selection doesnt signal that Ms. Harris intends to govern as a moderate.”

The Economist has likewise said of Walz, “Barely known outside Minnesota a month or so ago, he has become a leading light of the left of the Democratic Party” — adding, “He is, in the minds of many, proof that Democrats can win without having to compromise on their core values.”

It’s not as though pickings were slim in the veepstakes. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and US Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona were all in the running — each of whom would likely have secured their respective battleground state on a Harris ticket.



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What Harris apparently valued more, however, was allegiance. Elsewhere, the New YorkTimes noted that “over and over again during the selection process, loyalty was emphasised as one of the most important criteria for Ms. Harris”.

There’s nothing wrong with loyalty per se — but Walz’s record of loyalty to a Harris progressive agenda would sound alarm bells for the vast majority of Americans, if only the media cared to report the specifics.

Specifics like Walz’s complicity in the George Floyd riots, which burned the hottest, quite literally, in Minnesota’s Twin Cities, where over 1,000 businesses were destroyed. For a full day, Walz ignored pleas from the city’s Democratic mayor to send in the National Guard, during which time, the Third Precinct police station was set on fire by a violent mob.

Specifics like Walz’s superintendence over some of the most radical trans surgery laws in the United States. Under his government, teenagers can be have their breasts and genitals removed and be sterilised for life, all in the name of “compassion” and “healthcare”.

Specifics like Walz’s support for abortion on demand, which has gifted Minnesota the most radical abortion laws in the country. His no-limits stance on abortion has even ensured that babies born alive during botched abortions are not reported and certainly not revived. At least eight helpless infants have lost their lives under Walz’s horrendous pro-abortion regime.

Specifics like Walz’s pledge to invest in a “ladder factory” to help illegal invaders scale Trump’s southern border wall.

Specifics like Walz calling Donald Trump and his supporters “fascists” and a “threat to democracy” mere weeks after an assassination attempt almost claimed the former president’s life.

Tim Walz’s radical track record on these and other notable issues would make most Americans bolt in the opposite direction — which is presumably why the corporate press is refusing to highlight his track record.

What is Walz’s stance on the national economy? Gaza? China? Health care? Ukraine? Climate change?

Who knows?

But hey, at least we can be sure that Tim Walz likes cats. 

What do you think of Kamala's Veep pick? Tell us in the comments. 

Kurt Mahlburg is a husband, father, freelance writer, and a familiar Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He is the Senior Editor at Australia’s largest Christian news site, The Daily Declaration, and a Contributing Editor at Mercator. His writings can also be found at Intellectual Takeout, The American Spectator and the Spectator Australia. He has authored or co-authored five books, including his breakout title Cross and Culture: Can Jesus Save the West?

Image credit: https://x.com/Tim_Walz


Showing 9 reactions

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  • Juan Llor Baños
    commented 2024-08-11 00:43:20 +1000
    Great article!!
  • mrscracker
    God gave us poison hemlock too.
    He created cannabis but He didn’t hybridize it to contain the level of potency we have now. It’s not the same thing previous generations smoked.
  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-08-10 22:03:03 +1000
    Man, Kurt is no fun, hating on legalized marijuana. God gave us that plant, She would want us to enjoy it.
  • David Page
    commented 2024-08-10 10:56:46 +1000
    Steven, you are talking about a cult. They couldn’t care less about facts. For them there is only the dear leader. He is the truth teller. The rest of the world is lying. Trump is a tabula Rasa. His followers see what they want to see. The up side is that, like Nazi Germany, only about a third of the people are taken in by his nonsense. Unlike Nazi Germany our leader is not chosen by a parliament. He will lose. He is in deep trouble. He has serious cognitive issues that will become more apparent as the campaign progresses. In 2016 he seemed to a whole bunch of people as the solution to a broken system. That is no longer the case. his rambling rallies point to that. People are walking out while he is still speaking. He is toast.
  • Steven Meyer
    commented 2024-08-09 13:00:22 +1000
    I hope this leads to more real time fact checking of politicians

  • Steven Meyer
    commented 2024-08-09 06:42:59 +1000

    I’m pretty sure that is what he meant.
  • mrscracker
    “Specifics like Walz’s pledge to invest in a “ladder factory” to help illegal invaders scale Trump’s southern border wall.”
    I would never vote for Gov. Walz & deplore the policies you mentioned but to be fair he wasn’t really serious about investing in a “ladder factory.” I think he was simply & correctly pointing out that traffickers will just find another solution even if a border wall of a certain height is built. Cartels are incredibly resourceful.
  • Steven Meyer
    commented 2024-08-08 15:07:55 +1000

    Am I the only one who’s bored out of his skull with politics that consists solely of trying to find some mud, any mud, to hurl at your opponent?

    Will there never again be some semblance of a sober discussion about real issues?

    Have we all died and gone to hell where our punishment is to watch the same lousy TV show over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over … for all eternity? Was it always like this and I just never noticed?

    And it’s not just the US. Australian politics is just as bereft of substance.

    Towards the end Mahlberg asks:

    “What is Walz’s stance on the national economy? Gaza? China? Health care? Ukraine? Climate change?”

    We’ll never know. Like most politicians today he’ll just recite the lines fed him by the campaign’s spin doctors.

    Trump is one of the few politicos who doesn’t recite spin doctors’ lines. He just makes stuff up as he goes along. Any relationship between the real world and anything Trump says is purely coincidental.

    I’m not sure which is worse.
  • Kurt Mahlburg
    published this page in The Latest 2024-08-08 09:53:49 +1000