Has Biden weaponised the Justice Department to pursue a morally bankrupt agenda?

It is a understatement to observe that the Biden administration’s moral compass is broken beyond repair.

Earlier this month, Biden’s Department of Justice proudly announced that 75-year-old Paula Paulette Harlow will serve two years in prison for taking part in a “conspiracy” to block access to a Washington DC abortion clinic. Harlow is the last of ten protesters to be sentenced for the October 2020 demonstration.

The Biden DOJ is also slated to slap six other pro-life demonstrators with up to 11 years in prison for a separate protest staged in Tennessee in 2021.

Mark Houck is another pro-lifer to have faced the wrath of Biden’s DOJ. Following a scuffle with a Planned Parenthood escort, Houck was ambushed at his home early one morning by a 25-strong SWAT team armed in tactical gear. His wife and seven children watched as their Catholic father was hauled away in humiliation. Fortunately, Houck’s case resulted in an acquittal and he is now suing the Justice Department for the traumatising affair.

But President Joe Biden is not just after pro-lifers.

In October 2021, Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memo directing the FBI and US attorneys to go after school parents who had begun vocally pushing back against gender madness at school board meetings across the country, despite no violence being reported at said meetings.

In November of the same year, Biden used his DOJ and the FBI to raid the homes of two journalists believed to be in possession of a diary belonging to his daughter Ashley Biden. Such extreme use of federal force would hardly be countenanced had its author not been a member of the president’s family.

In more recent times, top Biden DOJ official Matthew Colangelo abruptly quit his DC post to take on a much lesser role in the highly politicised New York lawsuit that successfully indicted Biden’s leading presidential challenger Donald Trump.



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If all these events didn’t churn enough stomachs, consider the story of Eithan Haim, a courageous surgeon-turned-whistleblower who alerted the public to transgender surgery taking place at Texas Childrens Hospital.

The hospital was vocally supportive of so-called “gender medicine” until public pressure forced CEO Mark Wallace to shut down the clinic. In secret, however, a band of surgeons continued administering puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and Frankensteinish surgery to children as young as 11.

Last year, Dr Haim provided an anonymous tip and damning documents to journalist Christopher Rufo, prompting a media firestorm that led Texas lawmakers to ban the practice before the week was out.

Soon, Dr Haim learned that he was being targeted by federal prosecutors for his whistleblowing, at which point he decided to go public, sitting down for an hour-long interview with Rufo in January this year.

Earlier this month, Haim was greeted at his home by US marshals issuing him with a court summons on four felony counts of violating HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Dr Haim is yet to learn the extent of the charges he faces, but as reported by the National Review, the case against him seems rather suspect:

Rufo, who reviewed the records himself before publishing the initial article, denies that the documents exposed the personal information of patients. For my own part, I can confirm that nothing in the information provided to me identified any individual; all the documents were, in fact, carefully redacted,” the journalist wrote in his latest City Journal story, in which he broke the news that Haim had been indicted.

Assistant US attorney for the Southern District of Texas Tina Ansari, whose office is leading the criminal investigation, argues Haim had no right to share the medical records of minor patients with the public.

However, she neglected to mention that the documents disclosed were not patient charts, were redacted to protect sensitive patient information, and complied with HIPAA, which permits anonymized information to be disclosed generally, and even protected information can be publicized if its used to stop egregious medical misconduct.

Dr Haim will face court next Monday.

In the meantime, Americans are left to ponder the machinations of a woke White House that is yet to find a norm it won’t violate in pursuit of a morally bankrupt agenda.

Separation of powers be damned, Biden will enjoy full use of his personal police force and continue burning the country to the ground to rule over the ashes — until November at least. 

Is this narrative just connecting unconnected dots? Or does it reflect what you think? 

Kurt Mahlburg is a husband, father, freelance writer, and a familiar Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He is the Senior Editor at Australia’s largest Christian news site The Daily Declaration and a Contributing Editor at Mercator. His writings can also be found at Intellectual Takeout, The American Spectator and the Spectator Australia. He has authored or co-authored five books, including his breakout title Cross and Culture: Can Jesus Save the West?

Image credit: Bigstock   


Showing 16 reactions

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  • Marty Hayden
    commented 2024-06-26 03:20:09 +1000
    Not only has Biden weaponized the DOJ, the FBI is now thoroughly rotten from the inside out. Crazy as it may sound, the FBI should be disbanded! Sadly, that is the only solution I see for a group of bureaucratic apparatchiks hellbent on pushing a woke agenda and similarly punishing anyone who may stand in their way, such as 95% of the Jan 6th defendants.
  • David Page
    commented 2024-06-18 09:29:32 +1000
    Steven, you can’t use logic against those who are strangers to it.
  • Maryse Usher
    commented 2024-06-13 08:26:50 +1000
    Steven, I am pleased to see you have the common sense to assent to the reality of a Creator. It is absolutely true and you are correct in saying there is zero proof of the Incarnation and all this means to mankind and to you, your good self uniquely, in the sense of the type of proof we need to affirm with our senses.

    If there was sensible proof of the Incarnation and also the Trinity, we would be forced to believe, and that would not do, as God never violates our free will, and He never forces Himself on us.

    The strange thing is, Faith – in God as loving and all-powerful Father – His Son, the Second Person of the Trinity – and in the Holy Spirit – is a gift from God; it cannot be generated by our own faculties. Once we receive and accept it; it is obvious and clear that everything is connected to God and lives and moves and has its being in Him.

    Faith can be on by asking for it and lost by neglecting it.

    It is gravely incumbent on us in the Mercator community to pray persistently for Christ’s beloved son, you, Steven Meyer; that you receive the grace of Faith, repentance and conversion. If we don’t, we will have to account for knowing full well we have neglected the highest form of Christian Charity, praying that a soul for whom Christ would have suffered and died as if you were the only person on the planet, to get you to heaven, kicking and screaming along with the rest of us miserable sinners.

    Lord, have mercy on us all and each one.
  • mrscracker
    Thank you for bringing faith into a conversation about human rights and biology, Mr. Steven. Faith always deepens a conversation but wasn’t required to explain that human life begins at conception. It doesn’t hurt though.
    Many human rights advocates are people who take their faith seriously. But I don’t think many talk about religion quite as much as you do. God bless you. I hope you are doing well today.
  • Jürgen Siemer
    commented 2024-06-12 18:01:11 +1000
    Steven: you want evidence?

    Then do some proper research if Jesus’ prophecies about himself being resurrected and about the temple being destroyed are supported by viable eye-witnesses.
  • Steven Meyer
    commented 2024-06-12 17:44:12 +1000
    So he weaponised the DOJ against his own son?

    I want to re-emphasise what I said in my previous post. I know you have strong religious beliefs. But there is no evidence for them. Zero.

    Remember, I am not getting into an argument about the existence of a creator. I am saying that, even if a creator exists, you have zero evidence that it conforms to your beliefs, that there is any link between the creator and your so-called “holy texts”.
  • Steven Meyer
    commented 2024-06-12 17:37:46 +1000
    Jurgen Sturmer, You believe the Christian version of God exists and gives the foetus a soul.

    Let’s suppose the universe has a creator.

    You cannot demonstrate any link between the Christian “God” – or any other of humanity’s “God models” – and the creator. It is quite possible that the creator, assuming such exists, regards your religious beliefs as delusional. In fact, if it exists, it probably does.

    I want to emphasise that. Even if the universe has a creator there is zero, yes zero, evidence that this creator conforms to your, or anyone else’s, religious beliefs about a creator.

    You also cannot demonstrate the existence of a soul. There is Z E R O evidence.

    So you are asking people to model their behaviour on a deity and an entity that seems to exist solely in your imagination.

    Just because you, and millions of others, believe in some sort of “God model” and the existence of “souls” does not make it so.
  • Jürgen Siemer
    commented 2024-06-12 15:52:22 +1000
    And yes, Biden has weaponized the DoJ.
  • Jürgen Siemer
    commented 2024-06-12 15:51:42 +1000
    Steven, when the foetus is not a person then you are also not a person. Being a person is not defined by being awake or healthy or grown up or by some other physical property or by being white or black or Jewish or christian or by some other cultural property.

    It is defined by having received the soul from God that makes us his creation in his image.

    You cannot deny your soul as your free will, that develops and changes from conception to death, is an expression of your soul, not ultimately the result of some random movements of molecules. And therefore you know that you are a person, and this personhod was given to you before you even understood the concept of person.

    And therefore the foetus is a person.
  • Steven Meyer
    commented 2024-06-12 13:41:21 +1000
    When you say it’s a human rights issue you’re asserting that a foetus is a person.

    Leaving aside late term abortions, I do not accept that a foetus in the first trimester is sufficiently developed to be considered a person.

    Your assertion does not make it so.

    Now give me scientific, not religious, not emotional, criteria for deciding when a foetus is sufficiently developed to be considered a person starting from a single fertilised cell.

    And, no, I do not think any non-religious person is going to consider a single cell as a person.
  • mrscracker
    Mr. Steven it’s a human rights issue. Not a religious issue. No religion is required.
    And even if protests result in simple battery it’s not something one does harsh prison time for.
  • Steven Meyer
    commented 2024-06-12 09:16:49 +1000
    mrscracker, by all accounts Harlow was part of a group that did much more than simple “trespass.” They harassed people and in some cases resorted to assault.

    You have still not explained why you should have the right to force people to conform to behaviour mandated by your imaginary “God”.
  • Maryse Usher
    commented 2024-06-11 22:06:34 +1000
    Yes to the headline question. I do not think I exaggerate by regarding with a helpless horror the destruction of my birthland America, by Americans, Hillaire Belloc predicted the USA was already dying from the heresy of Americanism when he wrote about this in 1934. It seems we are seeing the death throes of a nation which was bound to perish by reason of its peculiar founding principles, a hybrid Protestantism and Enlightenment ideology. The only Salvation for America is a true religious and moral transformation. I pray the Eucharistic Revival may become a purifying conflagration to burn up the Satanic, cancerous rot destroying America.
  • mrscracker
    Mr. Steven,
    I agree that the author doesn’t like feticide. Nor do I.
    I’m hoping we all dislike segregation, Jim Crow laws, sweatshops, and a host of other social ills that were protested in previous eras.
    Protesters who break local trespassing ordinances should be equally charged under municipal laws. Federal agencies and statutes are not required selectively per what type of human rights violation is being protested.
  • Steven Meyer
    commented 2024-06-11 16:54:37 +1000
    “Earlier this month, Biden’s Department of Justice proudly announced that 75-year-old Paula Paulette Harlow will serve two years in prison for taking part in a “conspiracy” to block access to a Washington DC abortion clinic. Harlow is the last of ten protesters to be sentenced for the October 2020 demonstration.”

    Well, I never take Mahlburg’s statements at face value. I tried to find video of what actually happened outside Surgi-Clinic. Was not successful. However judging by this, the protesters got pretty aggressive

    Patient testifies that anti-abortion protesters pulled at her to keep her from entering clinic

    It is important to remember that Harlow was found guilty by a jury. She and her fellow blockaders clearly violated the “FACE” act.

    I get Mahlburg does not like abortion. But that does not give protesters the right to use force and intimidation to block access to a clinic.

    Many Muslims do not like Christianity. How would you feel if a group of Muslims used those tactics to block access to a church?

    How would you feel if atheists did that?

    Mahlburg seems to be on more solid ground in the case of Eithan Haim. Sadly, whistleblowers are often persecuted. The key question here is whether Haim leaked confidential patient information which is illegal and rightfully so.
  • Kurt Mahlburg
    published this page in The Latest 2024-06-11 16:02:11 +1000