Meet the Western conservatives fleeing to Russia

I’m seriously thinking about leaving home and going to live in Russia. The final straw came this morning when I saw a British Gas van parked in my street with a Gay Pride flag painted on it. I bet they don’t have those on Gazprom vans in Moscow or St Petersburg. What does being homosexual have to do with heating your home? About as much as fossil fuels have to do with Will & Grace.

It seems ironic that, in order to escape one form of pro-gay totalitarianism at home, queer-sceptical Westerners like me might now have to seek refuge under a form of equally tyrannical anti-gay totalitarianism abroad.

Earlier this year, under the ultra-conservative rule of President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin added any pro-gay groups and their “structural units” operating in the country to an official list of banned “extremist and terrorist” organisations, alongside bodies like ISIS and al-Qaeda. Putting two detainees from Stonewall and Islamic Jihad in the same cell together should be fun.

As a result, actual full-blown anti-terror police are now being employed to disrupt any unacceptably deviant activities going on right across the Russian Federation. In March, disapproving British newspaper The Times carried the following inadvertently amusing account of a raid on a gay club in the city of Orenberg, east of Moscow: “Masked Russian police officers burst into the crowded gay club wearing body armour and brandishing assault rifles. ‘On the floor!’ they shouted, forcing men to lie half-naked and spread-eagled on the ground.”

Pink triangles in Red Square

In a 2021 poll, 42 percent of Russians “totally disagreed” that gays and lesbians should have equal rights with other sexually normal citizens; only a far smaller 14 percent “totally agreed” that uranians should enjoy equal rights. This sounds bigoted, but maybe the Russian public had just seen what happens when you give ungrateful homosexualists equal rights over here in the West – i.e., they immediately begin asking for special extra-privileged rights instead, like having their big gay rainbow flags plastered all over British Gas vans as a mark of ideological fealty towards Pink Mecca.

Centrica (British Gas’ gender-neutral parent company) today has a special page devoted towards promoting “diversity” on its website, explaining the logic of defacing their fleet with rainbow hammers and sickles thus:

“At Centrica, we want everyone to be treated equally and fairly [but some to be treated more equally and fairly than others]. Our mission is to be open and inclusive for all – regardless of colour, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or culture [but not politics or religion, obviously]. And not just behind closed doors, but in everything we do and everywhere we go. Green isn’t the only colour we pride ourselves on. Since 2020, we’ve ordered 3,000 new fully electric Vauxhall Vivaro e-vans. They run exclusively on electricity and are totally ‘green’. But look closer and you’ll see there’s a whole spectrum of colour on show. On some of these vans, you’ll see the Pride flag, symbolising diversity of all kinds. So next time you see that colourful flag driving past, remember it’s our promise to continue to drive forward our mission to be open and inclusive for all … We’re proud of what we’ve achieved so far, but we know this is just the beginning. [What next, then? Compulsory flag tattoos for the drivers?] An organisation as big as Centrica has a responsibility to pave the way and be true leaders on all issues of inclusivity. Most importantly we genuinely want to make equality a reality in our business. It’s going to be an exciting road ahead and everyone’s welcome to join us on the journey.”

But what if you don’t want to “join them on this journey” towards Gay Utopia? What if you just want to purchase some cheap gas? Then you’re not really very welcome in Britain at all anymore and should seek out a new life in an alternative dictatorship falsely posing as a full electoral democracy, such as Vladimir Putin’s Russia. And, what’s more, it seems Mr Putin would be very glad to have you. Not everyone in Britain is a back-seat driver, you know, Centrica.

Visa express

From September 1, residents of certain NATO nations, probably those placed on Russia’s current ‘Unfriendly Countries’ list, like the US, UK, Australia, Canada, France and Germany, will be able to apply for a special ‘Shared Values Visa’ (SVV), enabling them to seek refuge from rampant gay public utilities vehicles in the sheltering bosom of the Kremlin.

On August 19, Vlad himself signed a new Presidential decree, exempting those Western would-be asylum-seekers fleeing “destructive neoliberal ideology” back home and who consequently favoured “prioritising spirituality over materialism” in Putin-Land, from the usual visa requirement of having to pass strict entry examinations in Russian language, law and history. All candidates now had to do to qualify for an SVV was “express a desire to relocate to Russia due to disagreement with their home country’s policies that contradict traditional Russian values”, such as not being willing to publicly pretend gas was gay.

It seems that, in order to better promote this new scheme, a special early-issue SVV had already been handed out to one lucky family, the Heyers, a Christian clan from New York, who were paraded on State TV by Russian Interior Ministry spokeswoman Irina Volk, who boasted that the Heyers “know that in our country traditional values are protected by the State. They say it is safer here, the level of education is better, large families are supported.” Mr Heyers agreed, saying “I feel like me and my family have been put under an arch that provides us with security.” Mrs Heyers went further, gushing that, by being granted asylum, “she felt like she had just married Russia.”

Fearing “moral turpitude” back home (a euphemism for queer and trans propaganda in their children’s schools), the Heyers proved an excellent propaganda coup for a Russian regime which loudly claims it is currently fighting a kind of holy war against a brand of NATO-backed gay Nazi Western Satanism in Ukraine.

Does Vladimir Putin really care about the well-being of all those persecuted Western conservatives who now increasingly feel like aliens in their own homelands, though? About as much as the leaders of Western nations genuinely cared about the well-being of escaped Russian dissidents they gave shelter to during the Cold War – that is, purely as handy propaganda assets to paint the other side as being evil with, to audiences both domestic and foreign. And, just as during the Cold War, such tactics seem to work. Immediately after Putin announced his SVV bonanza, some Western useful idiots, like top US conspiracy nut Alex Jones of InfoWars fame/shame, tweeted things like this:

 Reportedly, Alex is considering planning on seeking asylum in Moscow himself someday soon too, following his recent financial problems Stateside. Should Kamala Harris/Harley Quinn win the upcoming US election, Jones might even be joined by a certain prominent former POTUS. One advocate from an NGO called the Russian Immigration Aid Centre has sent a letter to Donald Trump, urging him to seek refuge from his many US legal troubles there:Meanwhile, Tara Reade, an American former Senate staff-member who claims to have been sexually assaulted by President Joe Biden back in the early 1990s, announced she was seeking Russian citizenship in May last year, Russia being one of the final places on Earth where she still felt safe from further future molestation at the hands of alleged moral deviants and loonies. How will she feel when she wakes up one day to find that Jones and Trump are out there with her now too?

Make Alaska Russian Again!

Disillusioned occidentals seeking sanctuary in Orthodox Russia do often seem to have a rather unrealistically positive image of the place. One recent profile of prior MAGA fugitives from wokeness seeking “the American Dream – in Russia” garnered quotes along the lines of “just because he [Putin] was in the KGB doesn’t mean he’s killed anybody”, “Twenty percent of the women could be supermodels”, “Russia is becoming a bastion of Christianity … I do think it was God leading me [onto the plane]”, “I wouldn’t seriously consider starting a family in the US today … Spiritually, things are a mess”, and “I often say it [Russia] feels like our [old] positive vision of 1950s America.”

In February 2023, a meeting was arranged between wannabe Western asylum-seekers and members of the Russian State Duma (their parliament), as part of a special ‘Refugees From NATO Countries’ panel. Nikolai Shores, an American convert to the Russian Orthodox faith, pleaded for freedom from rainbow tyranny thus:

“I am 45, I work in IT as a system administrator and teach engineering to the new generation. And I really want to move to Russia. My wife and I are horrified by the situation in the United States. We have propaganda of homosexuality everywhere. Our children are taught this at school. It is impossible to avoid this, even by studying or working remotely. From the first days of work, they ask for orientation, force them [all employees and students] to sign a paper against discrediting LGBT people. What difference does it make what orientation I have if I just fix computers? As a Christian, it is difficult for me to cope with this. And for [quoting] a passage from the Bible, you can be fired. America has become profoundly anti-Christian.”

He should try working for British Gas!

One participant in the panel-meeting, Charles Bausman – who appeared to flee to Russia following alleged participation in the January 6 riots in the US Capitol following Donald Trump’s unsuccessful 2020 re-election bid – even went so far as to claim that “at least one million” Americans were ready to move Russia-wards, although Ru Paul and Dylan Mulvaney are probably not amongst them.

Mr Bausman has been alleged to have had a somewhat dubious past, and now runs a series of pro-Kremlin websites under the general ‘Russia Insider’ umbrella, and seems to have been involved in lobbying efforts to persuade the Russian authorities to liberalise entry requirements for Sodom-fleers like himself. Now Putin’s SVV has been announced, perhaps he will finally be happy: with such a document, Bausman’s holiday can become permanent.

A village with no Village People

Are there really a million Americans with their bags packed and ready to flee Biden’s Rainbow Reich, as Bausman says? If so, where will they all live?

How about in a special village designed for such newly stateless persons, to be built somewhere outside Moscow sometime soon, a real home from homos?

Another speaker at the Duma’s 2023 ‘Refugees From NATO Countries’ panel was Timur Beslangurov, a Russian immigration lawyer who owns the website Here, he explains why Westerners should move East immediately: “Affordable medicine, free public education, low taxation … Last but not the least – Russia is a strong supporter of traditional values! Globalist, neoliberal agenda will never be supported in Russia.”

Sounds good, which is why in May 2023 Beslangurov announced, via the State-run RIA Novosti news agency, that “around 200” traditional families with no queer kids now wanted to move to Russia to avoid their own traitorous governments’ constant promotion of “propaganda of radical values” such as having “70 genders and who knows what comes next”. Many “normal people” in the West now abhorred places like America and Canada as mere open-air dens of iniquity, particularly “traditional Catholics” who “very strongly believe in the prophecy that Russia will remain the only Christian country in the world,” the lawyer said.

Therefore, Timur explained how he had apparently persuaded the authorities to permit the imminent creation of what Western commentators dubbed a “MAGA colony” outside Moscow, a traditional-style village whose construction was to be financed by the asylum-seekers themselves, presumably by virtue of them buying gay-proof houses there. However, closer inspection reveals that there has been no actual official announcement to this effect at all, leading some to question whether the project truly exists anywhere outside of Beslangurov’s head. Was he just trying to drum up more custom for his services, or, being well-connected as he undoubtedly is, does the lawyer have some inside info from lawmakers the rest of us are just not privy to?



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Russian back homewards

As of yet, with no Anti-Gay Village ready and waiting to move into, Western émigrés just have to arrange their own accommodation, frequently in log cabins in the harsh Russian countryside, as can be seen in popular expat YouTube channels documenting various US, Australian and Canadian families’ experiences Way Out East, with rugged, romantic names like EXPAT American, Siberian Freedom and Wild Siberian.

Many such video-bloggers are invited onto Russian State TV to explain how wonderful and gay-free their adopted homeland is, and some may suspect the whole thing is just a giant Kremlin-funded PR exercise, with certain ‘refugee’ families less seeking asylum than just seeking attention. By contrast, some genuine immigrants have actually found Russia to be rather less congenial than they may have imagined, before quickly returning back whence they came. In 2016, Eugen and Louisa Martens moved from Germany to Russia with their ten children upon the following rationale about German schools:

"There, children of the age of one are viewed as sexual objects. In our kindergarten, they gathered the parents together for an information evening where they told us about child sexuality. They make up special games like 'doctor' so that they can touch each other. There are special spaces where they can do this without being disturbed. They encourage girls to be attracted to girls and boys to boys because every child has the right to choose their own sexual identity."

Unfortunately, once over in Russia, the Martens ended up being housed in a log cabin in Siberia, where it was -30 degrees Celsius outside and barely any warmer within, given that the only heating available was an open stove. They had no beds, just mattresses on the floor, having received a pathetic US$2,200 from the Kremlin to establish themselves in the country. By February 2017, the Martens had reportedly all moved back to Germany. Gays are bad, but frostbite is even worse.

A Dutch-Canadian couple, the Feenstras, fared just as bad earlier this year. They sold their farm in Canada in “disgust” at all the “homosexual flags everywhere” in Canada these days, but proved unable to buy a new homestead in Russia, as their new bank over there froze all their cash, thinking the large sale-fee was a suspicious amount. When trying to sort it out, the Feenstras found to their shock that people in Russia all spoke Russian, not English, and Mrs Feenstra posted a video online seeming to criticise her new homeland. In Putin’s Russia, that is not a good idea, and the video was soon removed, Mrs Feenstra saying her harsh words had been misinterpreted.

Actually, foreigners cannot legally own their own farmland outright in Russia, and the Feenstras ended up sharing a one-bedroom apartment with their eight children. They couldn’t even read the signs on public toilet doors to tell which were for males and which were for females, they moaned – although, on the bright side, Mrs Feenstra explained, it was nice to finally be in a country where such distinctions still mattered.

Flying in prior to Putin’s new SVV scheme, the Feenstras were forced to leave back for Canada after their three-month residency permits had ended anyway, due to their conspicuous failure to pass the Russian language exam which was then still necessary. All they had really done was lose their farm, waste their money, and discover how poor their foreign language skills were. They can always try again, but for now the Feenstras are still stuck trapped in Canada.  

It’s easy to laugh at these people (see above) for their sheer naivety, but their dilemma does actually represent a real one for many millions of frustrated and ideologically marginalised people across the West. Being unfashionably normal, millions of ordinary people, although in the vast majority numerically, feel like they have deliberately been made into minoritised aliens in their own homelands by apparatchiks who now control every last public aspect of such comprehensively captured societies, even down to pathetically tiny minutiae like the livery of gay gas vans.

Moving to Russia isn’t a terribly good idea as a means of escape, of course, but what else are such desperate and culturally dispossessed persons to do? Nowadays, we can’t even stick our heads in the ovens and gas ourselves in good conscience without adding to the profit margins of those who seek to oppress us.

These days, living in the West really is just like living in Russia. The real problem is, living in Russia is now also just like living in the West. 

Where would you prefer to emigrate to – Russia or Iran?  

Steven Tucker is a UK-based writer with over ten books to his name. His latest, “Hitler’s and Stalin’s Misuse of Science”, comparing the woke pseudoscience of today to the totalitarian pseudoscience of the past, was released in 2023.

Image credit: an Aeroflot A350 /



Showing 21 reactions

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  • Emberson Fedders
    commented 2024-09-05 17:02:50 +1000
    You’d move to Russia because a van had a flag on it?? I know rightists are snowflakes but come on.
  • David Page
    commented 2024-09-04 11:15:39 +1000
    Don’t let the door hit them where the good Lord split them.
  • Julian Cheslow
    commented 2024-08-29 02:37:06 +1000
    What I’m getting from this article is that y’all will cheer fascism and people being threatened with state violence when it is against gay people
  • Roger Symes
    commented 2024-08-28 09:15:04 +1000
    An excellent piece – provocative, witty and humorous. Balanced on closer reading, with poignant insights on how some feel oppressed by the prevailing culture. Informative too; I learnt a new word – “uranian”, after the Greek god Aphrodite Urania, a word first used in the 18th century:
  • Trotsky Lives!
    commented 2024-08-28 07:57:32 +1000
    to Andrew Neyman — “If you think seriously, you express your thoughts seriously too.” If you think seriously, you will quickly see that this is not true. Some of the greatest literature has been satire — not serious at all. On the surface, that is. “A Modest Proposal.” “Animal Farm.” “Candide.” “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” “Catch-22.” Not to mention films and poetry. Please. (Oh yes, and “Alice in Wonderland”, which is utterly absurd, but incredibly serious.
  • Andrew Neyman
    commented 2024-08-27 21:57:43 +1000
    The very first sentence is untrue. If you think seriously, you express your thoughts seriously too. This article bristles with hostile prejudice while giving some factually correct information fouled by sneering cynicism towards both Russian intentions and the naivety of desperate people who will try to save their children from immorality and political tyranny. i am unimpressed by Mr Tucker’s offering callow offering which lacks intellectual merit or integrity. A complete waste of time and unworthy choice made by Mercator, reflecting badly on the Editor.
  • Susan Rohrbach
    commented 2024-08-27 21:08:39 +1000
    People who believe a p***y grabbing president warp speed can be prolife are also liable to believe a kgb man in his own flim flam..

    Mass formation psychosis.

    Read the debate between Olavo de Carvalho and Alexander Dugin. Carvalho describes the international “three legged stool” collaboration between Sinosoviet, Islam, and the Western banksters.
  • Steven Meyer
    commented 2024-08-27 13:35:47 +1000
    LOL, I shall happily contribute to a fund to help Russian Shared Value Visas settle in Russia. I would consider it money well spent.

    Maybe we can establish a settlement in Somewhere near Kursk
  • mrscracker
    Mr Mouse, I oppose capital punishment as I imagine you do. What happened in Uganda is an important lesson in what can happen when Western NGO’s attempt to colonize another culture. You get a visceral reaction. In this case, an overreaction.
    We need to respect Africans and their tradional values. We have our own troubles in the West.
  • Tim Lee
    The world is increasingly connected yet paradoxically fragmented and polarised. We find ourselves straddling multiple fault lines – traditional vs progressive, orthodox vs liberal, Left vs Right. The Left of old has become the Middle; the Loony Left is now the Left while the Right of old is now the Far Right. In skewing left, we risk losing the dynamic balance of riding a bicycle without falling to either side.

    In overreaction, some conservatives are drawn to a new Far Right – a purist worldview that circumscribes an increasingly narrow sense of Truth, a circling of wagons against a hostile mainstream culture. Now it seems that some are even prepared to jump from the woke totalitarianism brewing in the West to Putin’s anti-woke totalitarianism.
  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-08-27 06:38:50 +1000

    You are dancing around my point so much I feel like I’m watching an 80’s music video in your effort to defend both Uganda’s heinous penalty for consenting adults having gay sex (Because “repeated offenses” DOES include that) and your initial recommendation of selecting a country that equates consenting adult sex with child rapists.

    Further, ‘promotion’ (including advocacy of ‘normalisation’) of homosexuality is punishable by fines and imprisonment for up to 20 years (it’s almost like you’re advocating for gays to have no place in public life).

    I feel like I’m talking to a wall here. You keep trying to defend this law that two gay consenting adults having sex multiple times deserves the same punishment as child rapists, people who knowingly spread HIV, etc. Is that how you truly see the LGBTQ community?
  • mrscracker
    Yes, I believe repeat offenders who spread HIV were in that category. That’s against the law in US states also but we don’t apply the death penalty. Thankfully.
    Simply identifying as same-sex attracted in Uganda is not a crime but they take crimes related to sexual abuse very seriously. Which is correct, but we part ways when it comes to the sentencing.
    Have you ever spent time with someone from Uganda? I have & they don’t appreciate Westerners dictating to Africans how to run their societies. It’s seen as paternalistic & an sort of ideological colonization.
    I believe Mercator had an article about that subject a while back.
    I hope they get rid of capital punishment in virtually every case one day, just as I hope we do in the USA.
  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-08-27 03:22:19 +1000
    It also includes “repeated offenses”, mrscracker. So two consenting adults can still be put to death for the “crime” of homosexuality by simply being together and having sex (repeatedly).

    I understand that perfectly well. The fact that Uganda puts that in the same context of child rapists is appalling. And your recommendation to emigrate to a country where they can legally execute gays as a means to escape LGBTQ culture…yikes. No love like Christian love, right?
  • mrscracker
    The crime was an *aggravated *offense. That covers vulnerable adults, minors, incest, & several other “aggravated” circumstances. If you go to Uganda’s justice site you can read about their laws & definitions of aggravated sexual offenses.
    I’m not promoting capital punishment but we should at least understand other nations’ laws properly.
  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-08-27 01:47:46 +1000

    Kindly re-read the article I linked. The context was a 20 year old and a 41 year old man. Who were charged with "Aggravated homosexuality. Two consenting adults being charged with a crime whose penalty is death.

    The fact that you group this with “killing child rapists” is quite telling.
  • mrscracker
    Mr. Mouse, I think you may misunderstand the laws in Uganda. I’m not a supporter of the death penalty but it’s applied in Uganda to the same crimes against minors that used to be punished by death in our state until quite recently. I believe the Ugandan law applies also to sexual crimes against vulnerable adults. And the death penalty can be applied to those crimes committed by anyone. Not just the same sex attracted.
    I’m pretty sure that capital punishment for child rapists & those who sexually misuse the vulnerable in their care would have a great deal of support in the States today.
  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-08-26 22:23:41 +1000
    How very Christian of you, mrscracker, to recommend a country where they can legally put gays to death for consensual relations between adults:
  • mrscracker
    Why not Hungary instead? At least you could recognize the alphabet. Or Uganda where English is spoken and you don’t have to worry about frostbite?
  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-08-26 20:52:48 +1000

    I encourage your forthcoming emigration to Russia. I hope you have more success than these Canadians:
  • Jürgen Siemer
    commented 2024-08-26 20:35:48 +1000
    From the alternative media: Chris Pavlovski, CEO and founder of Rumble, has reported that he has left Europe after the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.
  • Steven Tucker
    published this page in The Latest 2024-08-26 17:18:47 +1000