Why is Britain locking up dissidents and treating criminals with kid gloves?

Elon Musk is at it again, continuing his war of words against the United Kingdom and its new left-wing Labour Party government, in particular its Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, whom he clearly regards as the unannounced leader of SS-GB.

The tech titan turned self-proclaimed free speech champion has just felt moved to tweet that he now considers Starmer’s Britain to be a full-blown “police state”.

On what account? On account of the fact a judge recently handed down a nine-month sentence to a woman named Cameron Bell for daring to livestream footage of some men armed with planks marching around her hometown of Tamworth during England’s anti-immigrant riots earlier this summer.   

Bell was only walking home after her shift as a care-worker, and had not actually participated in any of Tamworth’s disorder at all; she merely decided to film its highly visible aftermath on her smartphone for public viewing as an act of “citizen journalism”. As Bell’s lawyer accurately said in court, “Her [sole] involvement is to upload the TikTok footage that was not encouraging anyone to join in or extend the violence that had been seen earlier on.”

None of the men she filmed committed any actual acts of on-camera violence that night. They simply wandered around trying to look hard, but the judge considered Cameron’s actions may supposedly have influenced others to participate in rioting anyway, especially since she had quite shockingly said some forbidden swear-words and dared label local refugees as “tramps” in her live commentary on these total non-events.

Most declared criminal sentences in Britain now being essentially fake – many UK life sentences are so short that they could only meaningfully apply to mayflies. Bell is now out of prison in way less than the nine months she received. She was sentenced on November 12 and by the end of the month, she was already free, but only because she had already spent four months already behind bars on remand awaiting trial, despite being neither a flight risk, a hardened criminal, nor any risk whatsoever to the general public. The authorities normally only do this kind of thing with accused murderers and rapists, not amateur online livestreamers.   

Perhaps by releasing Bell early they were concerned about the bad PR her possible death behind bars might bring to them, should the worst come to the worst. One man also convicted for shouting mere words during an English riot recently, Peter Lynch, hanged himself in prison on October 19. Whilst inside jail, Bell says she was victimised by vengeful ethnic minority inmates to the extent she was placed on suicide watch, the same fate it is speculated may have driven Lynch himself to self-extinction. Meanwhile, even if she did get a (very) early release, Bell had still suffered the forever-punishment of losing her socially useful job as a carer and gaining a criminal record which will probably prevent her from applying for similar employment in the future. And for what? Basically nothing.

Very poor judgement

What is particularly interesting here is that her sentencing judge, John Edwards, refused to give the previously spotless first-time offender Bell a suspended sentence on account of her actions and words supposedly being so very “abhorrent”, saying that “Anyone involved in violent disorder [which, er, Bell wasn’t …] must command immediate custody, with the need for [public] deterrence being acute.”

If only Judge Edwards thought so highly of providing visible public “deterrence” to sex-offenders too. In the wake of Bell’s sentencing, it has come to light that this very same official has in the recent past been shown to have been much more lenient to other individuals who had committed what most would consider far more serious crimes than Bell’s.

He gave one paedophile who possessed and made indecent images of children, one of whom was as young as three years old, a 15 month sentence, for example. Initially, this sounds worse than Bell’s nine months’ punishment, but, unlike her case, Judge Edwards generously allowed the paedophile’s punishment to be suspended for two years, meaning his time “behind bars” was actually spent entirely “outside bars”. In  other words, Bell was punished, the paedophile wasn’t.

Why are people who dare utter hurty words about asylum seekers being “tramps” handed out real prison sentences, but actual paedophile toddler-abusers only get fake ones? The local Tamworth paedophiles apparently aren’t being banged up inside, either. According to Cameron, in an interview given following her release, some of the area’s imported “refugees” openly spend their days hanging around the local leisure centre recording film footage of underage girls in their swimming costumes, before following them around and harassing them.

Local police say they can do nothing, as they supposedly have “no power” to seize the alleged offenders’ (presumably taxpayer-provided?) phones. And yet they do have the power to seize the phone of a young local white care-worker and then put her in jail and ruin her life just for daring to call these same individuals “tramps”. How very curious!



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End of the tier politics

It is self-evident that there is now a highly politicised two-tier justice system in lands like Britain, where defendants from favoured ethnic, sexual, and religious minority groups that the left approves of, are dealt with more leniently than those found guilty of crimes deemed to be supposedly right-wing in nature, such as happening to strongly disapprove of endless mass immigration completely trashing your entire neighbourhood.

Not everyone agrees with me on this.

According to regime-friendly critics like Britain’s prominent anonymous online blogger “The Secret Barrister”, however, the very idea of the UK having a two-tier justice system is little more than laughable Far-Right conspiracy theory. Writing in his or her blog after the riots, the Unknown Fellow mocked that “perhaps the simplest counter-argument was delivered … when [a Muslim named] Amjad Ali, who had attended an incident of disorder in Northampton as a ‘counter-protestor’ and involved himself in the violence, was imprisoned for affray, combusting the suggestion that ‘one side’ is getting preferential treatment over another.”

Nobody would dispute that some non-white persons on the other side of the riots have indeed received custodial sentences: but what kind of sentences? The very day after what were arguably England’s worst riots in Rotherham on August 4, a Muslim mob wielding Palestine flags attacked one of the most distant known outposts of the Israeli Empire, the Clumsy Swan pub in Birmingham, leathering a lone drinker outside, who ended up with a lacerated liver.

One of their number was 19-year-old Haris Ghaffar, who attempted to break into said public house, repeatedly trying to kick its barricaded door in, whilst well aware several of his fellow mob-members were armed with knives. Ghaffar pleaded guilty, receiving 20 months in prison from Judge Melbourne Inman.

Fair enough. The non-white Muslim got punished, and so he should have done. He was physically rioting. White anti-immigration protestors physically rioted too, and they also got prison sentences. That’s how it should be: people being punished for their actual crimes, on an equal basis. So, no two-tier justice system at all, then, as The Secret Barrister avers? Well, not quite …

This same Judge “I’m Not Free!” Inman later jailed Lucy Connolly, the white wife of a white Conservative Party councillor, for 31 months for the obviously far, far, worse crime of sending a sweary tweet. This communication explicitly condemned “the treacherous government and politicians” who had imported all the immigrants into Britain in the first place, a tweet which Inman arbitrarily deemed will somehow have inevitably forced people to run out and burn down asylum hotels – an assumption for which there was precisely zero empirical evidence available to him.

According to Judge Inman, “it is [a] strength of our society that it is both diverse and inclusive”, a statement which clearly demonstrated political bias towards the left upon his own behalf – so much for Britain’s world-renowned “independent” and “impartial” judiciary. So incredibly strong and cohesive was this “diverse and inclusive” society, in fact, that Inman felt compelled to declare that harsh sentences for anyone who dared argue otherwise, like Lucy Connolly, were “intended to both punish and deter” the public from doing the same, much as Judge Edwards said when condemning Cameron Bell to chokey.

To “punish and deter” the public from what? From dissenting from the relentlessly pro-immigration political status quo, presumably. That’s evidently a far more serious crime than trying to kick a pub door down in the company of a knife-wielding mob in the “mind” of Judge Inman; at 31 months vs 20 months, I make that a 35.5 percent more serious crime, in fact.

Anarchy in the UK

This is what people like Elon Musk mean when they say life in lands like Britain these days is becoming increasingly like life in a Soviet-style police state – a subject I discussed on this very website only last week. Any specific Nazi and Soviet comparisons are undoubtedly somewhat overblown and often intended for satirical, angry, or rhetorical effect. But the generic similarities are not wholly non-existent by any means. Western nations clearly now have official, State-sanctioned political ideologies – unquestioned and virtually unquestionable worship of the alleged benefits of mass immigration, for example – and, via soft-totalitarian methods, these ideologies are increasingly being enforced upon even totally non-violent offenders, as above.

Meanwhile, certain actual paedophiles, violent individuals, burglars, etc, seem to get off basically scot-free. It’s purest “anarcho-tyranny” in action.

What is anarcho-tyranny? According to the following useful summary it is an idea coined by the US palaeo-conservative thinker Samuel T. Francis which ”describes a social condition characterised by a combination of anarchy and tyranny, where the government is simultaneously ineffective at enforcing laws against [actual] criminal behaviour and overly oppressive against law-abiding citizens.” A good illustration of this might be, for example, failing to lock up a paedophile child-abuser, but acting very efficiently indeed to do so to a young female care-worker who swore and called some foreigners “tramps”, live on TikTok.

Anarcho-tyranny has four key components: “selective law-enforcement”, “bureaucratic overreach”, “erosion of civil liberties”, and “misallocation of public resources”, all of which ultimately result in a state of profound “public distrust and disillusionment”, making ordinary, law-abiding citizens easier to rule over as demoralised pawns, too scared to speak their minds about what is going on any more, lest they too awaken one morning to the Thought-Police knocking on their own door.

Yep, that certainly sounds increasingly like life here in the UK at present. What anarcho-tyranny aims at keeping safe are not a nation’s citizens; it only cares about protecting the chosen ideologies of the elites who rule over them, e.g., multiculturalism. Elon Musk isn’t too far wrong. In the soft proto-police state that Britain is today rapidly becoming, it’s far too often the case that there’s no arrest for the wicked. Just for the innocent, but openly dissenting.

Do you think that the UK is becoming tyrannical?  

Steven Tucker is a UK-based writer with over ten books to his name. His latest, “Hitler’s and Stalin’s Misuse of Science”, comparing the woke pseudoscience of today to the totalitarian pseudoscience of the past, was released in 2023.

Image credit: Photo by Brian Wangenheim on Unsplash


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  • Anon Emouse
    commented 2024-12-12 00:18:53 +1100
    Your byline about you has me curious, Steven : have you heard of Magnus Hirschfield? Hitlers nazis burned his work and his building
  • Steven Tucker
    published this page in The Latest 2024-12-11 15:03:59 +1100