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Trump’s election drives feminists into extreme nay-saying
Since the election of Donald Trump, there have been various forms of protest from feminists. Since they see Trump as the ultimate anti-feminist, they feel compelled to take rebellious personal action against his presidency. These protests have taken the form of screaming fits, shaving one’s head, perpetually wearing a mask, and an upsurge in what is called the 4B movement.
It’s the 4B movement that intrigues me the most. This movement originated in South Korea some years ago in response to what some saw as mistreatment of women by men and by society at large.
Here is the 4B movement in a nutshell. 4B refers to the four Korean words bihon, bichulsan, biyeonae andbisekseu, which translate to no marriage, no childbirth, no dating, and no sex with men. The idea is for women to protect themselves and presumably punish men by withholding sex and refusing to couple with men in any way.
Are all men evil?
One proponent of the 4B movement—who has been living the 4B lifestyle for over two years—says hookup culture has been dangerous and disastrous to women and that it’s time to right the boat. Amen, sister.
But she goes further saying “men are evil” and that women should “decentre men” in their lives. As a victim of what sounds like a horribly manipulative relationship, one might understand why she thinks men are “evil.” Because some of them are.
But can we really paint half of the human race with such a broad, condemnatory brush? Are all men evil? (I can name 15 men on my street alone who don’t quality as evil.) And is the solution for all women everywhere to refuse marriage, family, sex, and children?
If taken to its logical conclusion, that would mean the end of life as we know it.
Perhaps there’s a more nuanced—and more obvious—solution. And perhaps this solution has been around for a very long time, even carved on stone tablets millennia ago. This is it: Stop having sex with evil, manipulative, men who are not committed to you, body and soul, for life.
This is what best protects women. It protects women from predatory men, sexual disease, unwanted pregnancies, damaging emotional entanglements, poverty, single motherhood, and being coerced to eliminate one’s own children in the womb—which can lead to greater difficulties including depression, anxiety, guilt, remorse, and suicidality.
Even in a culture that upholds sexual exclusivity (which we no longer are), yes, rape may still exist and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. And no, not all marriages that start out well end well. But refusing to have sex with a man until you have thoroughly vetted him, tested his moral fabric, discerned and discussed your life goals and his life goals, assessed his deep and abiding love for you, and required him to consent to sex with you (and only you) on conditions of the lifelong commitment we call marriage, is the best way to protect yourself from “evil men.”
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The ruby slippers
All this has been known for as long as sentient beings have considered the consequences of their actions. But with the advent and resurgence of the 4B movement, it’s as if a whole generation of women who have relied on abortion to save them from unwanted pregnancies and from the foul actions of lame men are suddenly waking up and realizing, “Hey! I can do something about this! I can say NO to men who don’t have my best interests at heart! I don’t have to have sex with every creepy guy on every creepy dating app who comes along!”
This is a welcome revelation. It’s a bit like Dorothy realizing she’s been wearing the ruby slippers all along.
Women are the gatekeepers of sex. And according to Jordan Peterson (see here and here), women are picky maters. This puts women in a position of power. When women were sold the line that random sex with random men was empowering, they lost perhaps the greatest leverage they have: deciding who gets to have sex with whom. And guess what? Men will do a great deal to be able to access a woman sexually. A good man will even commit to a woman for life and vow to support the children she bears for life if that is what’s required of him. So let’s start requiring it. Again. Like has been done in every successful civilization since the dawn of time.
So, yes, 4B women of the world, you’re on to something. Say no to sex with evil men.
But don’t forget that there are good men out there. And one of them might be worth building a life with. If you refuse all men forever, you just might end up desperately clutching your covers around you in your old age when there is no one left to love you except your Bingo partner in the sterile care facility you’ve been relegated to.
But, if you persist until you find that diamond in the rough, you just might find a life of joy, purpose, fulfillment, companionship, and love that ripples through generations, keeps you warm in the twilight of your life, and, in the meantime, brings you unparallelled happiness you could barely have imagined.
Is the 4B movement realistic? Leave a comment below.
Kimberly Ells is the author of The Invincible Family. Follow her at Invincible Family Substack.
Image credit: Bigstock
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Emberson Fedders commented 2024-11-29 15:47:14 +1100Yes, excellent point David Page.
David Page commented 2024-11-29 12:50:16 +1100Michael, don’t you think that the underlying misogyny in your belief system needs to be faced head on? It is fundamental to the problems you are having with your message. Malcolm epitomizes that.
Emberson Fedders commented 2024-11-28 11:25:20 +1100Wait, are we being told off because we are having a polite discussion about one poster’s experiences of Western hook-up culture and, by extension, traditional marriage?
But, but, but, what about all the articles here on free speech? -
Michael Cook commented 2024-11-28 09:16:11 +1100Would it be possible to keep on topic rather than discussing personal lives? A REMINDER: These topics are: Korea’s unusual 4B culture, Western hook-up culture, the value of traditional marriage, reactions to Trump’s election, and so forth.
Malcolm McLean commented 2024-11-28 09:05:32 +1100Partly because of lack of sexual experience, which is interpreted as lack of success. Online I’m often accused of being an incel, though that’s not actually true. But also because women don’t like it when a man won’t sleep with them. It takes away their control. And as you say, if you were a woman, you’d react in exactly the same way.
Maryse Usher commented 2024-11-28 08:50:47 +1100Malcolm, I advise you to locate the nearest large Catholic parish, preferably also an Opus Dei men’s study centre, and begin attending liturgies and recollection evenings. You will find your true community there: not only is chastity highly valued and practiced, but you will learn why it is so, and you will have the best shot at a happy marriage. I pray you will seek and receive the gift of Faith and climb aboard the Barque of Peter, making its way through choppy waters to heaven. I recommend doing a RCIA course which will teach you the real facts of life. You’ll meet many young men and women who also value and protect their virginity, but there’s a lot more to virtue than that: including not putting yourself in a situation with someone who has fallen for the slut culture and who may tempt/deride you.
David Page commented 2024-11-28 08:42:51 +1100Malcolm, and you think they reject you because of your lack of sexual experience? If that were true then I would have remained unmarried. I think you need to rethink this entire business. If I were a woman you would frighten me away. Get another opinion.
Malcolm McLean commented 2024-11-28 08:19:50 +1100I don’t make any secret of it. Generally women pick it up because I don’t make crude sexual comments and physical approaches inviting them to have sex. If you observe a couple getting together for the first time, you’ll note that the approach from the man is usually transgressive. But there are many ways that women can work out that I am a virgin.
David Page commented 2024-11-28 01:04:26 +1100Malcolm, how do they know you are a virgin? Do you have a tattoo? Do you announce it on a first date? How would it even come up? You have all the charisma of an ATM machine.
Malcolm McLean commented 2024-11-27 23:41:54 +1100For some reason it seems to be acceptable to needle men over lack of romantic success. I’m a virgin, and that’s a firm condition for a relationship. And it’s something women don’t like. And I’m explaining that this is probably the underlying reason. Apart from that. I’m a pretty desirable partner. Most women do attach a high value to money, and I’m not short of that. It’s the virginity which is rejected.
David Page commented 2024-11-27 22:46:05 +1100Malcolm, you seem obsessed with sex. Have you never been in love? Have you never loved someone so much that you would stand with them at the gates of hell? I suppose not. You have to like women before you can love one. You present your bonafides as if you were a bank account. That you can’t find a woman on your terms proves to me that they are not evil.
Malcolm McLean commented 2024-11-26 18:29:22 +1100David Page. Yes most women choose that taint of evil. I lack it. But I’m a perfectly good offer, Oxford degree, own house paid for. The shoe shine recommendation is just an insult. If women choose evil, and encourage men to be evil by offering them sexual favours, they must face the consequences. But the consequence for me is no relationship.
David Page commented 2024-11-26 04:57:01 +1100Malcolm, you poor soul, do you think women are evil? Perhaps you need to shine your own shoes.
Malcolm McLean commented 2024-11-26 03:56:08 +1100I’m a virgin. But what happens? Overwhelmingly, women reject. It’s not at all easy to get a date. They prefer men with sexual experience because they interpret that as as sign of success and high status. And so of course the strategy of waiting for marriage doesn’t work. What they have to do is have casual sex with a man, and then try to draw him in to marriage. And often the man takes the casual sex, and then finds reasons the relationship isn’t suitable for marriage.
Emberson Fedders commented 2024-11-25 11:00:55 +1100Indeed, Trump seems to be packing his White House with people who have been accused of sexual assault or misconduct.
It’s gross. -
Steven Meyer commented 2024-11-24 23:05:58 +1100David Page,
I’ve noticed -
David Page commented 2024-11-24 11:30:14 +1100Every woman, every single one, has had reason to fear a man. It is ingrained in our culture. And she has good reason to fear the consequences of reporting a rape or sexual assault. She will be dragged through the mud. And now that we have elected a president who is quite open about sexually assaulting women it will get much worse.
David Page commented 2024-11-24 09:58:32 +1100Steven, Wokeness (compassion) scares the hell out of them.
Maryse Usher commented 2024-11-23 12:42:11 +1100Well stated, Kimberley. Standard advice back in the early 60s from our Mercy Nuns preparing sixth-formers to launch ourselves into the world, confident we could pursue any career we chose, including marriage and motherhood; advised we had the power to arbitrate the moral high standard in society. We didn’t need the false ideology of feminism: we knew as Catholic women our immense charisms and abilities and how chastity and the feminine genius of nurturing would keep ensure family flourishing and integrity.
Alas, the anti-values of the sexual revolution have caused untold deaths (abortion holocaust, suicide, euthanasia), misery and perversion of identity for 50 years. But the counter-revolution, predictably exploding in the USA like a magical fireworks extravaganza, has arrived. Thank God. -
Julian Cheslow commented 2024-11-23 10:33:18 +1100A combination of all 3
Steven Meyer commented 2024-11-23 08:36:23 +1100I’m curious. Who is the most evil bogeyman in the “conservative” universe:
:) -
David Page commented 2024-11-22 10:58:34 +1100All men are not evil. But all men are privileged in the Trump bubble. And, as Erich Fromm points out, people will fight like hell to protect their privileges. Right? Not so much.
mrscracker commented 2024-11-22 04:57:03 +1100Good points. Thank you.
Julian Cheslow commented 2024-11-22 04:15:38 +1100I think it is important to note the 4b movement was a extreme reaction. And as the lady says in a video directed at conservatives using her words(https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTY2apTxH/) it isn’t good that women felt pushed to that point.
Also she mentions in another video her ex would bring up having children when she tried to leave, so it isn’t a argument against reproductive control. -