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What is the biggest risk to Great Britain? Pakistani grooming-gangs or Elon Musk’s tweets?
Apparently, Elon Musk is now a major threat to British security.
The UK Home Office’s online spooks are reportedly monitoring the tweets of the hyperactive Silicon Valley entrepreneur lest he endanger national safety by saying nasty things online about those politicians who he thinks helped cover up the mass sexual abuse of native white English girls by Pakistani-heritage Muslims over the past few decades.
According to Musk, the nation’s left-wing Labour Party PM Sir Keir Starmer was “complicit” in nothing less than “the rape of Britain”. “Prison for Starmer!” Musk demanded, in one of literally hundreds of obsessive posts about the subject over the last month or so.
Elon even went so far as to half-jokingly run an online poll asking followers whether, once his ally Donald Trump occupied the White House from January 20 onwards, “America should liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government?” A clear majority of respondents answered “Yes”. Well, such measures worked perfectly well over in Iraq, didn’t they?
America should liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 6, 2025
The revolt of Islam
State monitoring of Musk purportedly began after he called the Labour Party’s current Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips a “rape genocide apologist” in early January due to her initial refusal to use her office, which involves responsibility for ensuring the safety of females against male violence, to sanction a full statutory national enquiry into the grooming-gangs.
Subsequently, a man was arrested for making violent threats against Phillips, which was supposedly all Musk’s fault. According to police, however, the accused had been sending similar messages to several public figures, not just Phillips, since April last year – well before Musk started tweeting anything about “rape genocide apologism” at all. People don’t need Elon Musk’s explicit permission to make death threats to Jess Phillips.
Thanks to several decades’ worth of insane immigration policies, Phillips’ own Birmingham constituency contains an awful lot of Muslim voters, and in 2024 many of them mobilised against her due to her refusal to support a ceasefire in Gaza, leading to her re-election by only 693 votes in what was formerly a safe Labour seat. During her victory speech, Jess was booed with chants of “Free Palestine”. She responded by complaining such Hamas-friendly opponents had already done far worse things than heckle: young women campaigning alongside her had been intimidated by being filmed in the street, had their car tyres slashed, and been loudly screamed at, leading to Jess making “constant” phone-calls to the local police seeking protection.
Was this also somehow the fault of Elon Musk? Or that of Birmingham’s many mass-imported, and completely unintegrated, Muslims? It was definitely not the latter according to Jess Phillips herself, who soon went on LBC radio to say it was “too simple” to say that she had been abused and threatened by Muslims. In fact, it was really all just down to some form of toxic masculinity or something evil and right-wing like that; a much more electorally acceptable line for a left-winger completely dependent upon Muslim votes to adopt in such awkward circumstances.
"People want desperately for me to announce that the people shouting at me and barracking me were Muslim men,” Phillips said – but the fact they were indeed substantially Muslims was apparently of zero importance. Instead, she continued, "The fact that they were men is quite significant to me – the fact that they were Muslim is not significant because there are Muslim people in my constituency who didn’t behave like this.” But surely there were also men – of all colours and creeds – “who didn’t behave like this” in Jess’s constituency too? So why arbitrarily blame her persecutors just for being men?
Perhaps anticipating this incredibly obvious objection, Jess then changed tack once more: “These people were idiots. They didn’t do it because they were Muslim – they did it because they were idiots, and they wanted something for themselves, and they used a terrible tragedy [i.e., the war in Gaza] to get that."
If Phillips was being abused by largely Muslim voters over completely non-Islam-related issues like council tax being too high, or poor local bus-services, then she might have had a perfectly valid point here. But if she is being abused by largely Muslim voters over a specifically Islam-related issue like Gaza, then this rationale no longer logically stands, does it?
No groom for debate
Jess Phillips’ contorted logic over how best to avoid blaming Muslims for something bad that Muslims had self-evidently just done is directly relevant to Britain’s wider grooming-gang scandal. When Elon Musk recently began accusing the Labour Party of being complicit in “the rape of Britain” by downplaying it all in the name of political correctness, Phillips’ deliberately blinkered outlook represented precisely the kind of disingenuous moral gymnastics he meant to expose.
Although South Africa-born, Musk has a substantial British heritage. In Musk’s own account, distressed by the cowardly, fingers-in-ears mindsets of dhimmified useful idiots like Phillips, he recalled that his beloved paternal grandmother, Cora Robinson, was, just like many of today’s grooming-gang victims, a lower-class girl from the north-west of England. If Jess Phillips had been in power during Cora’s own youth, would his grandmother therefore have been gang-raped by Muslims too? Musk guessed so: “My Nana was one of the poor working-class girls with no-one to protect her who might have been abducted [by rape-gangs] in present-day Britain.”
Others, more cynical, may question Musk’s timing here. Revelations – albeit often semi-censored and toned down – about grooming-gang after grooming-gang have been emerging in Britain for over a decade: has Elon really just heard about them for the first time now? Critics might guess Musk is merely alarmed by the Labour Party’s recent promises to begin cleaning up/censoring (you decide!) social media in the UK, potentially hitting his income from one of Twitter’s largest global markets, and so is trying to harm them politically. Yet others may snipe he is just trying to win back support from anti-immigration Trump-supporters annoyed by Musk’s recent calls to hand out more easy US work-visas to lowly paid Indian computer programmers by making an emotive distinction between “bad” immigrants (ones who would happily join grooming gangs) and “good” ones (ones who will happily provide cheap labour for his own benefit).
Whatever the truth may be, I personally do not particularly care. By moving the story right to the top of Britain’s news agenda more than it has ever been, Elon has done the nation an immense service either way, and has been explicitly thanked for doing so by some of the gangs’ victims.

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Why Khan’t we just deport these people?
However, Musk has since been criticised by many Establishment figures for spreading “misinformation” through his tweets. In a way, he has – but so have his critics. It is undeniable that several of the specific accusations Musk made against certain Labour politicians about the whole scandal were factually incorrect; but the general wider pattern of deliberate, Jess Phillips-style, obfuscation he identified amongst Britain’s governing class (Labour or otherwise) was not.
Musk seems to have concluded that British officials were quite literally engaged in a gigantic organised national conspiracy aimed at obscuring the entire truth about Muslim crime-gangs, accusing Prime Minister Starmer of being complicit in failing to properly prosecute grooming offenders during his earlier time as Britain’s Director of Public Prosecutions.
Strictly speaking, this is untrue; in fact, once he found about it, Starmer altered prosecution guidelines to make it easier to convict such gangs. And, if there was nothing but covering up of such offences, how would anyone ever have been convicted of them? Reading through superficial coverage of his tweets, it would be possible to gain the impression Musk thinks that Starmer, during his stint as DPP, thought to himself “Oh, here’s proof that Lovely Muslim X has raped 200 white girls; let’s burn all the DNA evidence immediately!”
Of course, Starmer did no such thing. But powerful left-wing figures like Sir Keir, by continuing to pretend that the uncontrolled mass importation of persons from unassimilable cultures is of no possible disadvantage to the nation, really are complicit in such crimes in a wider sense. A human rights lawyer to his very core, who literally wrote the standard textbook on such issues in the UK, Starmer and those of his ilk essentially do act as enablers of anti-white rape-gangs (one of whom explicitly claimed in court that Pakistanis are “the supreme race, not these white bastards” who dared to complain about their actions) by keeping the nation slavishly signed up to various international treaties which prevent the deportation of convicted abusers back to their ancestral homelands following their conviction.
For example, one offender named Adil Khan, who got a 13-year-old girl pregnant in Rochdale, received £270,000 from UK taxpayers to thwart his planned deportation back to Pakistan on “human rights” grounds, as Khan argued that, without his oh-so-valuable presence in the country, his son would be deprived of a moral role-model.
Speaking through an interpreter (again, taxpayer-funded, one may guess) in 2022, Khan told a judge that “As you know, the father figure is very important in every culture in the world, to be a role model to tell him or her right from wrong.” Was Khan’s own highly unorthodox parenting model here to present his son with a picture of “wrong” for him to studiously avoid so he wouldn’t grow up to be a child-rapist too?
By defending the legitimacy of such treaties in spite of their clearly immoral outcomes, and refusing to simply rewrite badly-conceived laws to enable the easy deportation of such offenders, the political and institutional class of which Sir Keir is a walking embodiment really do act as rape-gang enablers just as surely as if they really were busy burning DNA evidence and shredding police-files – only at one remove, so they can pose as being innocent in the whole matter when, in truth, they are the ultimate source of the whole problem even more than the Pakistanis themselves are. After all, if such unassimilable aliens hadn’t been allowed over here in the first place, and then endlessly pandered to in the name of the false but now institutionally sacred doctrine of “multiculturalism”, then how could such crimes ever have occurred in blighted towns like Rochdale in the first place?
Wrong by definition
One very valuable revelation which emerged following Musk’s intervention was that since 2019, Sir Keir’s Labour Party, not to mention several Labour-controlled councils in towns where mass levels of child-abuse had occurred, had adopted an official definition of “Islamophobia” which claimed that to use the very term “grooming-gang” at all was an inherent racist trope against Muslims, as if the whole phenomenon did not even exist.
One of those directly responsible for adopting this asinine wording was Labour’s current Health Secretary Wes Streeting, who came out following Musk’s January intervention to piously warn that, if the “irresponsible and coarse public discourse” of Elon and others continued, it could lead to the slaughter of Muslims on British streets. Streeting invoked the infamous Christchurch massacre in New Zealand in 2019, “where someone [white] walked into a mosque and killed innocent Muslims stone cold dead with a gun whose magazine had inscribed on it ‘for Rotherham’,” Rotherham being one of the main British towns in which children had been raped by Pakistanis.
So, Streeting’s basic logic here is: “Brown people are currently raping, torturing and killing white people on a mass scale. For God’s sake don’t let the white people know too much about it, otherwise they might start doing the same thing back to the brown people themselves.” The best way to do that would be to admit the uncomfortable truth and put an actual stop to what the brown people are doing to the white people before it gets to this sad stage, no, Wes?
Ah, but people like Wes can no longer easily act to do so. Fun fact: Wes Streeting, just like Jess Phillips, also narrowly won re-election in a formerly safe constituency full of angry Muslims vociferously opposed to his stance on the Gaza War, this time by a mere 528 votes, something that is becoming a real pattern with Labour candidates these days.
Is Musk really being “Far-Right” when he guesses that some UK politicians might well be more concerned with not alienating their local imported electorates by telling the plain truth about Muslim grooming-gangs rather than appealing to the less electorally important victims of such gangs themselves? Sir Keir Starmer thought so, sayingthose like Musk who were calling for a new inquiry into the scandal were just “jumping on a bandwagon" and "amplifying what the Far-Right is saying".
Hearing this dismissive assessment in appalled disbelief were the child-rape victims themselves, who contacted Maggie Oliver, a well-known former policewoman who felt forced out of her job after trying to expose the grooming, to complain. Oliver told UK broadsheet The Times that, by Starmer accusing those who agreed with Musk of being “Far-Right”, the victims had felt they were being blamed for their own abuse, and labelled as neo-Nazis. Said Oliver: “The ones I’ve spoken to in the last few days are furious and would not accept an apology from him if he offered one. He clearly still views them as the problem.” Of course he does. Men like Starmer are utopian leftist ideologues, and the existence of raped white girls undermines their very idealist multiculturalist worldview.
Worth his salt?
British spies currently wasting their time monitoring Elon Musk’s Twitter profile is all part of a wider pattern of the UK authorities fiddling whilst Rome – or Rotherham – burns.
The general impression you gain from many mainstream politicians’ and commentators’ reactions to Mr Musk’s wading into this issue is more one of outrage that he has helped highlight the inconvenient ethno-religious and political truth about these crimes, rather than any outrage about the actual crimes themselves.
Since Musk is a hyper-wired, Very Online Person, who appears to be on some kind of spectrum or other, perhaps some of his tweets on the grooming-gang scandal should indeed be treated with a pinch of salt. Some of the stuff he has said isn’t true. But, by comparison to the far greater untruths being spread by many of his current opponents – that mass immigration is an unalloyed benefit, that there are no meaningful differences between other cultures, that Islam is wholly benign, that human rights law always and ever helps protects us all – the British Establishment’s own arguments should be taken with an entire salt-cellar.
Although admittedly sometimes ill-informed, his basic instincts on this sad matter are overall correct, and it seems to me that Mr Musk ought overall to be congratulated for bringing the scandal to wider international attention right now. The UK’s Pakistani Muslim child-rape gangs aren’t a thing of the past, as many might assume, their crimes are still going on today, up and down the country. Late to the party he may be, but Elon has, to his great credit, helped wake more people up to this fact.
Forget a pinch of salt. Today’s truly well-groomed British child would benefit from being sprinkled all over with a far more substantial pinch of Musk instead.
What do you think about the owner of X meddling in the politics of foreign countries?
Steven Tucker is a UK-based writer with over ten books to his name. His latest, “Hitler’s and Stalin’s Misuse of Science”, comparing the woke pseudoscience of today to the totalitarian pseudoscience of the past, was released in 2023.
Image credit: Pixlr AI Image Generator
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Steven Meyer commented 2025-01-21 11:35:16 +1100Oh, just another reality check.
Intelligence services always track the doings of wealthy, influential people. It’s an unspoken part of their remit. -
Steven Meyer commented 2025-01-21 11:32:50 +1100I’m not sure which is the most incoherent:
—Musk’s outbursts on X
==Starmer’s weak responses
—Badenoch’s dithering
—Tucker’s rants
It’s a real race to the bottom.
Just for the record.
—The Time’s broke the story – from memory in 2016 or thereabouts.
—There was a thorough enquiry. It made 20 recommendation none of which the previous Tory Govt implemented.
—Starmer changed the rules which brought about a significant rise in the number of successful prosecutions
—The biggest problem seems to have been a police culture that did not take the complaints of “white trash” or “coloured trash” girls seriously.
—You might almost say the police were insufficiently “woke”! -