What’s really behind the UK race riots?

The normally safe nation of Great Britain has recently been swept by violent race-riots, to the extent that countries like Australia have issued travel warnings to any citizens planning on visiting the place (“avoid areas where [riots] are occurring”, the guidance helpfully says).

But what lies behind the unrest? Non-UK readers of this website – and, indeed, most UK ones – will have been told by their TV newsreaders that it’s all the fault of evil white supremacists. Don’t believe it.

Following the widely-reported mass stabbing of little white girls in the seaside town of Southport on July 29, fake social media rumours spread that the perpetrator was a Muslim illegal immigrant. Police failed to quash these lies. Instead they put out an exceedingly non-informative statement saying simply that the suspect had been “born in Wales”. Many people, by now wearily used to the authorities playing down the frequent immigrant background of violent criminals and terrorists, suspected subterfuge.

After all, on July 23, a suspect named Anthony Esan had allegedly leapt off a moped armed with two kitchen knives and repeatedly stabbed a British Army officer outside his barracks in Kent. Who was this Mr Esan? British media, like the BBC, rather unhelpfully described him simply as “a man”. Yes, but what kind of man? Accompanying photographs showed a large black individual with dreadlocks, built like a professional wrestler. Was he even actually British at all?

To uncover the full truth, British citizens had two options. Either they could access obscure Nigerian newspapers online, where they would find very clear headlines, like “Nigerian man stabs UK Army officer”, or access social media, where ordinary private posters proved more honest than the BBC were about the fact the alleged assailant was an African immigrant: 

Obviously, relying on social media for your news has its dangers. In this particular instance, it proved more accurate than the BBC. But in another recent crime, the reverse was true: Anita Rose, a British grandmother stabbed to death whilst walking her dog on July 24, was falsely said online to have been killed by Somali migrants, leading authorities to publicly deny this was the case to avoid fuelling recent tensions further. Nonetheless, police still “would not confirm the nationality” of the suspects. Should they later turn out to have in fact been Eritreans, I suspect there will be all hell to pay.

It seems odd you should have to go to Nigerian sources to get accurate news about events in England. If the mainstream media and authorities don’t want ordinary people to expose themselves to potential disinformation online, maybe they shouldn’t push them down that route by failing to report the full truth about racially sensitive matters themselves.

When UK police simply announced the initially unnamed suspect for the Southport child-stabbings had been “born in Cardiff”, many were naturally suspicious. The phrasing made it sound as if he was a full-blooded Celt, like Dylan Thomas. It later transpired he was not: instead, he was Axel Rudakubana, a black kid born in Wales to Rwandan immigrant parents. During one later anti-immigrant protest, marchers satirised the police’s obfuscations by carrying a big banner reading “TOM JONES IS WELSH, AXEL RUDAKUBANA ISN’T”.

Far Right or far wrong?

Once the race-riots began in Southport following the stabbings there, with the town’s mosque being attacked, Britain’s new Left-wing Labour Government began relentlessly pushing the narrative it had all been caused by the Far-Right spreading fake rumours the killer was a Muslim online. But this Government line was every bit as false itself. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer gave a pathetic speech alleging the initial rioters in Southport – and then elsewhere – had all been fascists bussed in from outside to cause trouble, and that none at all represented the thoughts and feelings of the local communities who soon found their streets being scarred by disorder.

Yet, as I pointed out elsewhere immediately after he gave his speech, this obviously wasn’t true, as initial reports gave the addresses of those arrested as local ones, whilst video footage clearly showed people speaking with the distinctive “Scouse” accents of the wider Merseyside area, within which Southport sits. Once suspects began to be formally charged, I was proved correct: analysis demonstrates seven in ten arrested rioters lived within five miles of where they are alleged to have taken part in violence. Maybe some Far-Right people did help organise certain protests. But that hardly means most people who attended them were bussed-in outside Nazis.

It is obvious from footage of the protests which soon mushroomed nationwide that many involved were homegrown residents – watching live rolling news coverage of crowds besieging a migrant hotel in the town of Rotherham, it was quite plain that, whilst those in the first row directly confronting police were mainly young males, milling around behind them were numerous women and children, lending them clear moral support. Subsequent edited footage put out on TV news afterwards tends to show almost only young men, of course – but if you go to around 2:17 on this video you can see where some of the kids have been carelessly left in.

If you were a neo-Nazi mob, bussed in within a Panzer column from far outside, would you really bring your wife and children along with you? Other infants have also been charged with outright rioting offences, with an 11-year-old accused of arson in the North-East town of Hartlepool. It beggars belief that Hitlerjugends of such tender years have been marching up and down the land, from riot to riot, spreading terror wherever they go.

It was self-evident from the word go that very many – though not all – protestors and/or rioters were local. Why was this not obvious to Sir Keir Starmer who, as the nation’s PM, must surely have access to rather more comprehensive on-the-spot police information than a mere prole like me does? The only conclusion I can draw is that he did in fact know this full well, and was simply outright lying in his speech to the nation, in order to try and falsely shape the narrative to his own desired political ends. 



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Suck it and see

Supposedly, nobody normal supported either the riots, or the less violent anti-immigration protests which frequently preceded them – at least according to Sir Keir. All those out on the streets were just “thugs” and “a tiny, mindless minority in our society”, Keir claimed in his post-Southport speech. Yet subsequent polling showed otherwise: 34 percent of those asked in a survey by YouGov said they supported the initial anti-immigration protests, as opposed to 54 percent who opposed them and 12 percent who didn’t know. A surprisingly large 8 percent of the population actually supported the outright violence – in a population of 67 million, that’s about 5,360,000 people. Another 7 percent, or 4,690,000, were strangely unsure if burning the entire nation down was a good idea or not.  

 So, I don’t deny those who support the actual riots are an overwhelming minority in the UK, but 5 million-plus isn’t exactly a “tiny” one. And if 34 percent of the population support the rioters’ cause, but not their methods, then that is 22,780,000 people. Amusingly, the Labour Party just won the July 2024 election with 34 percent of the vote – precisely the same proportion of the wider populace who back the current protests up until the point petrol bombs actually start getting thrown. As voter turnout was low in 2024, substantially due to disillusion with mainstream politicians of all parties who have signally failed to control mass immigration, that actually equated to only about 9,700,000 votes for Sir Keir’s Party. So if YouGov’s survey is correct, the “tiny, mindless minority” who support the motives behind the riots are actually more than double that true fringe minority of political loonies who support Sir Keir and his crew. Or does it not work like this?

Polls are polls, of course, and not always wholly accurate – but clearly, millions upon millions of British people are sick to death of the past 25-plus years of uncontrolled mass immigration that have occurred in the country ever since 1997, when the previous incarnation of the Labour Party under Tony Bliar decided to unilaterally throw open the floodgates in the utopian dream of transforming a formerly peaceful and culturally homogenous nation into what they delusionally called a “community of communities”, an apparent left-wing euphemism for “Lebanon”.

And why did Labour do this? Possibly for economic reasons. Possibly to fill job shortages. Possibly to gain extra votes – UK minorities tend to vote Labour. Or maybe, in the words of former Labour Party speechwriter Andrew Neather, who was party to behind-closed-doors discussions on such matters, “to rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date.”

So out of date did the Right’s arguments seem to become after Labour had been voted out of office in 2010 in favour of the Conservative Party, that the Conservatives too, now faced with the demographic fait accompli of a country already stuffed full of unassimilable non-white outsiders, felt they had no option but to flow with the tide and go on bringing in even more. In 2018, alleged then-Conservative MP Anna Soubry told fellow politicians in the House of Commons the argument they must spout to any primitive white voters who objected to open borders was thus: “What they should be doing is making the case for immigration and then saying this: ‘Suck it up!’”

In 1996, before Blair’s Labour came to power, net migration into the UK was 55,000. By 2010, when the Conservatives won back office upon the back of a fraudulent manifesto falsely promising to lower it, it was 256,000. By 2023, the Conservatives’ final full year in office before handing back over to Keir Starmer’s Labour, this figurestood at 685,000.

That’s an awful lot of people to “suck up”. The country is meant to be Great Britain, not an industrial-strength vacuum-cleaner aimed direct at Pakistan.

Islam McState

But why wouldn’t the British public want to inhale all these lovely immigrants? Are they really all Nazis, as Keir Starmer implied? One reason, ironically enough, might be that they keep on rioting. As I have just detailed elsewhere, the very week prior to the white-led race-riots there were large immigrant-led riots in Tower Hamlets, London, and Harehills, Leeds, every bit as bad as the supposedly “Nazi” ones getting all the international screen-time right now, and to which the authorities responded with sympathy and understanding. Nobody there got called extremists. In Leeds, the local immigrant population were actually thanked for increasing the area’s diversity!

Meanwhile, on July 27, just two days before the Southport stabbings, an alternative potential solution to such widespread immigrant-led violence arose: let them physically occupy actual areas of sovereign British territory as their own little self-contained Bantustan-type micro-states instead. Sheikh Yasser al-Habib is an extremist Shia preacher who, a British tabloid discovered, is now in talks to buy the remote Scottish island of Torsa to run as his own private emirate, governed not by the law of the land, but by actual sharia.

Once he had purchased Torsa, al-Habib promised his followers, he would negotiate with the actual UK Government to be allowed to issue his own private visas to compatible Shia Muslims “from all over the world” to come and live there with him in paradise whilst they awaited the end of the world together. Al-Habib came to British shores as an asylum-seeker from Kuwait in 2004, and promptly showed his gratitude by setting up what appears to be a private militia, the Madhi Servants’ Union, who engage in uniformed, sword-wielding, paramilitary-style exercises in the small Buckinghamshire village where he has his mosque – with no obvious police intervention whatsoever.

I’m sure that, if some white neo-Nazis ever formed their own private army, they too would be left in peace to establish their desired Fourth Reich on the Isle of Wight (or Isle of White, as they would doubtless rechristen it). You can see why Britain’s current double-standards PM has now been rechristened “Two-Tier Keir”.

Lunatics running the asylum system

The general impression large numbers of the white British public have gained from all this is that non-whites can enter the nation as and when they please, legally or illegally, and then be allowed to do whatever they want, even up to basically taking over large areas of the country – in al-Habib’s case, quite literally. Muslim street-marchers protesting endlessly against Israeli settler-colonialists would do well to look in the mirror and ask what they themselves are.

Worse, the impression given is that the British State – i.e., the ordinary taxpayer – will actively fund them to displace the unwanted Anglo-Saxon natives, with £8m a day being spent maintaining asylum seekers in hotels alone, around £3bn a year. At a time when the cost of living is increasing, this looks an awful lot to many poorer white Brits as if the State is treating them as second-class citizens, whilst handing out wads of free cash to random outsiders, many of whom treat their unwilling hosts with complete contempt, sometimes to the extent of actively trying to kill them.

Last October Ahmed Alid, a Moroccan asylum-seeker – he sought asylum from the highly dangerous location of continental Europe, where he had been living for years, and came over on a ferry from Amsterdam – was found guilty of having stabbed a 70-year-old local white pensioner to death in “revenge” for Israel’s conduct in Gaza. What did the dead local victim have to do with the war in the Middle East? Nothing, but still Alid wandered the streets, seeking more to slaughter. He told police he really wanted to murder “thousands”, but didn’t have the necessary machine-gun. Is it any wonder people later ran wild in Hartlepool, reportedly in the victim’s name?

These riots have not just been conjured out of nothing by neo-Nazis with Twitter accounts. Some genuine extremists have helped fan the flames online, or publicised dates and locations for people to meet, or turned up on the streets to cause even more trouble. But most protestors are just ordinary, if very angry, people. They have real grievances, but they are being obscured by pathetic media and government-led smear campaigns which tar everyone with the same demonstrably untrue “Hitler-lover” brush. You might not approve of people trying to burn down asylum accommodation, but when some of their former residents have gone around killing your fellow townsfolk, that isn’t motivated by classic race-hatred per se, is it?

Please police me, oh yeah – or I’ll police you

Likewise, we have seen images of police officers being attacked with missiles in the Yorkshire town of Rotherham. But few mainstream commentators have pointed out the blindingly obvious fact that police in Rotherham, scared stiff of being accused of “racism”, had previously allegedly deliberately covered up the mass gang-rape of around 1,400 local mostly white children by local mostly Pakistani-heritage grooming gangs between 1997 and 2013.

And how were the officers said to have been responsible punished? Not with any arrests or prison-terms. Not even with any sackings. Instead, a few received a “written warning” or unspecified “management sanctions”. What’s that? Being called into the Chief Constable’s office and severely frowned at? Once the riots began, I would be surprised if a few of the frustrated locals hadn’t decided to try handing the local cops a few self-devised “management sanctions” of their own by hurling rocks and fence-posts at their heads – even though, logically, the specific officers targeted will not even have been the same ones who reputedly covered up all the Muslim gang-rapes several years back, and so didn’t personally deserve it.

Nonetheless, the local police appear to have become walking symbols of much wider UK institutional indifference to neglected working class white people’s plight. One local rape-gang survivor, Sammy Woodhouse, said at the time Yorkshire Police’s total non-punishments were revealed in 2022 that: “For me, it’s just a kick in the teeth that no professional is ever going to be held to account. We’ve had report after report after report telling us all these professionals failed, how much it’s ruined our lives, and nothing will come of it. I wanted professionals on criminal charges. There’s been no accountability whatsoever.” Well, there is now, and, as the authorities have demonstrably failed, it is being administered instead by a violent mob.

For her own current role reporting on the riots for a website linked to prominent anti-Islam activist Tommy Robinson, by the way, Ms Woodhouse is now herself being lumped in with the “Far-Right” by left-wing UK newspaper The Independent. Who would ever have thought that, one day, the definition of “Far-Right” would be stretched so far as to include “publicly objecting to having been raped as a child”?

I myself live on Merseyside, and recently saw some under-age working class white girls apparently being groomed by a Muslim in my local park. Hilariously, rather than submitting, they all ganged up on him and chased the man away, whilst calling their would-be abuser “A f*cking foreigner”! If the police and the State are widely perceived to refuse to protect such people, then I really do not find it at all surprising that many just decide to protect themselves instead: in retrospect, these little girls’ actions were just a harbinger of what was later to come right across Britain, following the tragic events in nearby Southport.

All this said, we shouldn’t condone violence – if you do, the Labour Party will now throw you in prison. For me personally, the actual outright rioters would be well advised to now stand down, protest more peacefully, and stop giving ideologically motivated pro-mass immigration liars like “Two-Tier Keir” a handy excuse to deceitfully brand millions of ordinary people as fascists. What a shameless propagandist that man is. If I was as prone to overblown Nazi analogies as he is, I might almost be minded to compare Sir Keir to Joseph Goebbels.  

Is too much importance being given to the riots in England? Tell us in the comments below.  

Steven Tucker is a UK-based writer with over ten books to his name. His latest, “Hitler’s and Stalin’s Misuse of Science”, comparing the woke pseudoscience of today to the totalitarian pseudoscience of the past, was released in 2023.

Image credit: https://x.com/ryanhwrd/status/1820579762307514399  


Showing 2 reactions

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  • David Page
    commented 2024-08-11 09:00:23 +1000
    My experience in England is that those who complain about immigrants will hire those same immigrants in a heartbeat it there is work to be done on the house.
  • Steven Tucker
    published this page in The Latest 2024-08-09 14:42:04 +1000