Why is Trump assembling a ‘nightmare team’?

Donald Trump seems eager to assemble a “nightmare team” in his appointments for key positions of his cabinet as incoming President of the United States.

Matt Gaetz has been designated as Attorney General. As the BBC reports, he is “the subject of a long-running investigation by a congressional ethics panel into a number of claims involving drugs, bribes and sex.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been chosen to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. While Kennedy may not be morally flawed, he does hold some unusual conspiratorial beliefs, particularly regarding health. Tulsi Gabbard's potential appointment as Director of National Intelligence raises concerns, given her tendency to show a favorable disposition toward overseas dictators.

What is Trump thinking?

I venture to say that Trump is following a script laid out by a Galilean preacher 2,000 years ago. That man shocked many people with his simple yet powerful message. He sought to bring forth what he called "the Kingdom of God"—a concept that has sparked debate for two millennia. But whatever it was, its purpose was clear: it was meant to be disruptive. The preacher soon realized he couldn’t fulfill his mission alone, so he set out to find companions. They were hardly the brightest.

Two of those companions apparently were so hot-tempered, that they were called “Sons of Thunder.” Another companion—likely the one closest to the teacher—was quite stubborn, and at one point, his master likened him to Satan. Yet another companion betrayed the preacher for 30 silver coins. The team of misfits also included sinners and prostitutes.

Now, morally speaking, Trump is no Jesus—pace some pathetic remarks by sycophants like Marjorie Taylor Greene. But they do share a contrarian aspect in their character. Jesus sought to overturn the established order of his epoch—Roman occupation, religious hypocrisy of the priestly elite, etc. Trump seems to be on a similar journey; his goal is to disrupt the comfort of the liberal affluent class, and to challenge the hypocrisy of wokeness and political correctness.

Unlike Jesus, Trump’s motives are less than noble, but that is beside the point. As perceived by his supporters, he is the real deal.

For both men, impassioned speeches have been a key element of their repertoire. But that would not suffice. They needed eccentricity. The prophets of Ancient Israel would do bizarre things to make their points. Isaiah would roam around naked; Ezekiel would cook with cow dung; Jeremiah would wear a yoke around his neck.

In the same vein, Jesus was not a drunkard and a glutton, but he was perceived as such by some. This ultimately worked to his advantage, as it reinforced the perception of him as a challenger to the established norms, which was something the people of 1st century Judea were eagerly seeking.

This is the logic that Trump cleverly uses when being photographed while eating McDonald's food with members of his inner circle: the more he is called a glutton, the better. The MAGA world is sick of holier-than-thou gluten-free snobs.



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The story of Christianity has a hopeful ending: the misfits eventually matured and laid the foundation for a Church that remains vibrant and influential 2,000 years later. Perhaps Jesus knew all along that they were unpolished gems, and with the proper stimulus, they would turn out just fine.

One can only hope that Trump’s reasoning is similar and he has a master plan. He managed to win the election largely because of his contrarian shock value. Not for nothing did many of his followers promote the slogan, “I’m voting for the felon!” He has momentum on his side, so he needs to further enhance his countercultural persona by appointing the most outrageous candidates for key positions in his cabinet.

Once the shock value is accomplished, they can all settle down and implement reasonable policies.

Sadly, one cannot be too sure that this will happen.

The first time around, Trump didn’t become the monster many had feared, but his Administration still carried an air of chaos, which undermined the effectiveness of his policies – potentially costing him the 2020 election.

Perhaps Trump has learned his lesson, and just as Jesus ultimately succeeded in bringing out the best in the group of misfits he chose, the 47th President has similar leadership skills. As with many things related to Trump, his unpredictability makes him difficult to understand or predict. Only time will tell if, indeed, there was a master plan in assembling a “nightmare team.” 

Forward this to your friends!  

Gabriel Andrade is a university professor originally from Venezuela. He writes about politics, philosophy, history, religion, and psychology.

Image credits: Trump Sr, Trump Jr, Musk, RFK eating McDonald's / @margomartin on X  


Showing 35 reactions

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  • David Page
    commented 2024-11-22 03:45:03 +1100
    And what do you think will happen in the midterms after this cabinet destroys the economy?
  • Steven Meyer
    commented 2024-11-21 12:35:40 +1100
    Emberson Fedders

    Well said. I was going to make a similar comment but you said it better than I could.
  • mrscracker
    I think Donald Trump’s taking counterculture to a whole new level.
    The Left used to rage against the Machine. Now they are the Machine.
    We have a friend who was offered a role by the Trump administration .They’re good at what they do but they do things outside of the box. Sort of like Elon Musk That’s probably the idea, Challenge the status quo.
    Abbie Hoffman would have enjoyed watching the show.
  • Emberson Fedders
    commented 2024-11-21 11:08:17 +1100
    This article is, quite simply, ridiculous.

    Why does he surround himself with millionaires and billionaires? Because that’s who this entire administration intends to look after.

    Why do so many of them have claims of sexual assault against them, including multiple allegations against Trump? Because the level of entitlement here is breath-taking.

    This constant comparison of Trump with Jesus is absurd, desperate, and surely, if you are religious, just plain insulting.

    Trump doesn’t have a masterplan. He won’t ‘mature’ – he’s 78, for god’s sake!

    There will be no reasonable policies. They won’t be draining the swamp. They’ll be milking it for all it’s worth.

    To think that a group of gross, old, extremely wealthy men are in anyway interested in the lives of the struggling working poor in Alabama, Mississippi or Wisconsin is breath-takingly naïve.
  • Gabriel Andrade
    published this page in The Latest 2024-11-21 10:28:08 +1100