Free abortions and vasectomies at the DNC this week?

In days as strange as ours, it’s rare for me to do a double take when reading news headlines. But I did this week.

“Planned Parenthood offering free abortions, vasectomies at DNC,” Fox News reportedover the weekend.

Or if The New York Times is more to your liking:

While delegates are in Chicago for next weeks Democratic National Convention, they will engage in the typical pageantry and traditions: Theyll vote for their nominee, pose for photos with elected officials, and show off their state with cool buttons or themed hats.

They will also have the option of getting a free vasectomy or a medication abortion just blocks away.

The progeny-purging rituals are being performed by Planned Parenthood Great Rivers, which plans to park a van just a short walk from the convention venue.

“Its a way of showcasing how reproductive health care providers have had to get creative when operating in or near states like Missouri, which borders Illinois and has a near-total abortion ban,” the Times brags.

Showcasing? Since when has snuffing out the unborn been a carnival sideshow?



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Alas, I have quite a list of questions about this grotesque stunt.

Is “let’s end the human species” the message that America’s largest political party is trying to send? Because it’s certainly the message many Americans will be hearing — including millions of Democrats who vote blue in spite of their party’s radical stance on abortion. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more misanthropic memo to broadcast at the party’s premier quadrennial gathering.

Moreover, switching off the fertility faucet is surely a low-ranking concern for American voters who find themselves crippled by a cost-of living crisis, fearful about inflation, wondering who’s in charge of the border, and concerned about healthcare, social security, crime and more.

According to the Times, “this convention, more than any other, is going to be a head-on display of a new, unbridled abortion politics”. Moral quandaries to one side, doesn’t the Democrats’ preoccupation with pulling the plug on procreation seem just a little out of touch?

Not to mention short-sighted. America’s — indeed the West’s — great challenge in the years ahead is having enough children merely to keep the economy turning over, the social security checks coming, and some semblance of hope for the future alive.

(And the Democratic Party’s great challenge will be finding voters if they continue to deplete their base through abortion and sterilisation).

Finally, how involved is Planned Parenthood in the Democratic Party’s campaign? Beyond providing free abortions and vasectomies at this year’s DNC, what role is it playing in promoting Kamala Harris as the next US president — and why?

This is an organisation that allegedly sells human body parts, is likely the biggest supplier of transgender drugs in the United States, performs some 390,000 abortions each year, uses American taxpayer treasure to abort brown babies overseas, was founded by the racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger, boasts US$2.2 billion in assets, and is supported by some of America’s biggest and wokest corporate giants.

No doubt a Harris presidency would protect the interests (and income streams) of Planned Parenthood, but how do American voters feel about this curious alliance?

We need answers to these questions — and we need them before any more Americans drink the Kamala Kool Aid and close the door to their descendants.

Think I’m catastrophising?

Just days after Planned Parenthood put out its disturbing DNC dispatch, the organisation announced that its offspring-offing opportunities are fully booked.

Don’t ever doubt the madness of crowds. God help us.  

Any comments on Planned Parenthood’s initiative?  

Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate architect, a primary school teacher, a missionary, and a young adult pastor.

Image credit: Planned Parenthood Chicago   


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