Those dastardly British criminals who pray silently outside abortion clinics Ann Farmer November 04, 2024
Scotland could enact the world’s most extreme buffer zone to protect abortion clinics Ann Farmer April 26, 2024
‘Assisted dying’ debate: these sick people cost a lot so it’s time to move them on Ann Farmer February 08, 2024
One delighted critic described this film as ‘a pervert’s playground full of subliminal smut’ Ann Farmer January 29, 2024
The ‘full force of the law’ falls on a British mum. Her crime? Being rude on Twitter. Ann Farmer October 11, 2022
I am sick, elderly, and disabled. Why isn't the 'assisted dying' lobby listening to me? Ann Farmer February 12, 2022
COP26 and population: the first shall be first, and the last shall be kept from breeding Ann Farmer November 03, 2021
Be careful what you wish for: after Christianity come wokery and witchcraft Ann Farmer October 27, 2021
The tale of star-crossed lovers needs a trigger warning for woke audiences Ann Farmer August 24, 2021
Richard Dawkins, the Grand Poobah of Atheism, is not just ableist, he's unscientific Ann Farmer June 02, 2021
UK minister roasted for thousands of unintended Covid deaths in nursing homes. Why is he supporting INTENDED deaths via ‘assisted dying’? Ann Farmer May 29, 2021
Lisa's career is at risk because she dared to say that all men aren’t rapists Ann Farmer May 25, 2021
As we celebrate International Women’s Day, I’m confused. Are transwomen welcome? Transmen? Ann Farmer March 09, 2021
UK transgender treatment centre urged to speed up its controversial service Ann Farmer January 21, 2021
Britain stops young people gambling while approving contraception and abortion Ann Farmer December 09, 2020
After tens of thousands of Covid care home deaths, have we learned to care about the elderly? Ann Farmer July 14, 2020
British abortions top 200,000 in one year, but ‘it’s all good’ says a provider Ann Farmer June 17, 2020
International Women’s Day: marking the unremarkable woman – or disappearing her? Ann Farmer March 10, 2020
Female genital mutilation: horrid for Muslims but healthy if you're trans? Ann Farmer September 16, 2019
The fairy tale that became a nightmare: ‘gender advice books’ for children Ann Farmer September 06, 2019
‘Trans’ four-year-old: the innocent sacrificed by the amoral directed by the immoral? Ann Farmer May 13, 2019
Are dead white males like Shakespeare really irrelevant to Britain’s students? Ann Farmer June 08, 2018
‘What a piece of work is...’ How humans are yielding their dignity to animals Ann Farmer May 07, 2018